
10 Tips For Creating Killer eCommerce Product Pages

July 16, 2021 Marketing, Web development

While eCommerce can be a joyfully profitable business, it can also be brutal and highly competitive, making it difficult to find and maintain loyal customers. 

There are different ways entrepreneurs can tweak their websites to optimize sales, and a great place to start is your product page. Besides increasing sales, excellent product pages can also increase searchability and help garner stellar reviews from satisfied customers. This could go a long way in enhancing your business growth strategy.

Here are some tips to boost your product page performance as well as conversion:

1. Have Clear Product URLs

 If a URL is easy for prospective buyers to read, they’re more likely to click. To maximize ranking in search engines, URLs can be optimized according to standard best practices. A good product page URL needs to clearly indicate where the users will land once they click it. Ideally, it should be readable by humans, acting as a short description of the content appearing on the product page.

2. Provide Concise Copy

A great product page addresses any potential concerns a potential buyer might have. HubSpot’s marketing consultant, Steve Haase, outlines uncertainty as to the main cause for cart abandonment.

To prevent this, you can put your shopper at ease by providing unique and engaging product descriptions that allow users to convert into paying customers. It is not advisable to copy product descriptions from the manufacturer’s websites since it decreases your conversion rate.

You can add the following elements to enhance the user’s experience:

  • A product title
  • Price
  • Key features
  • Product’s material
  • Brand information
  • Sizes/Colors
  • Availability

Ensure to keep the descriptions short, unique, and interesting. Do not forget to use clear structure, headings, and bullet points to improve readability.

3. A/B Test your Product Page

It involves studying buyer behavior and habits and comparing multiple site implementation options to create a robust marketing strategy. Giants like Amazon use this tactic to convert incoming traffic into sales.

Any element on the product page can be split-tested, and it’s surprising how sometimes even the tiniest change can have a significant impact. Here are specific examples of how you can split-test your product page:

  • Use pure text vs images and text in a popup
  • Try out different backgrounds for campaigns
  • Test promo timing
  • Put enticing offers front and center

By trying out different options, you can find the one that works best for your online store.

4. Understand Your Customer

Understanding customer needs is at the center of every successful eCommerce business. Statistics indicate that customer-centric businesses are 60% more profitable than those that aren’t.

To make any decision about your product page, you need to understand who your customer is and what they want from you. This enables you to have a better product/market fit. Identifying your customers’ needs involves analyzing your customers, which can be done in the following ways:

  • Surveys: To determine if your product satisfies their needs
  • Predictive analysis: That help determine how you can meet their unmet needs
  • Geographical segmentation: It can offer a quick and effective route into personalized marketing while offering tangible ways to reach potential customers using their location.
  • Social listening: Identifies what customers value in your eCommerce user interface.

The data collected can be invaluable in finding ways to improve the overall sales process while discovering additional pockets of growth.

5. Add Visually Appealing Product Images

In eCommerce, visuals play a pivotal role since they give the user a strong perception of what they’re buying. Therefore, it is prudent to invest in good photography upfront. Ensure that you highlight and provide access to multiple views and photos in the User Interface so that your viewers can get a sense of what you’re selling. You can provide the option of zooming in so that the viewers can get up close and personal.

6. Provide Options

If a better option appears during purchase, there is a high likelihood of a visitor purchasing it. The mission of a successful product page is to help buyers find the best products. If a customer is looking for a pair of pants and your website recommends a matching t-shirt, that is cross-selling. However, if your customer is looking for a pair of basic pants and your page recommends a high-quality pair, you would upsell the customer.

These tactics can help you increase your average order value by encouraging shoppers to spend more. Lululemon does a good job by offering complementary to their customers.

7. Optimize Your Page Load Speed

Today, users have no patience for websites with poor load speeds or inadequate performance. Statistics indicate that 64% of shoppers who are dissatisfied with an online store’s shopping experience and loading time will take their business elsewhere. 

Your users expect your product pages to load faster, and they probably won’t stick around if they don’t. Two seconds is the accepted threshold for eCommerce websites. With that in mind, here’s how you can increase your page load time:

  • Minimize HTTP requests
  • Compress images and optimize files
  • Utilize CDNs(Content Delivery Networks) and remove unused files
  • Browser caching

Nordstrom is a good example of a site that takes product page speed seriously.

8. Build Trust 

Entrepreneurs can reduce anxiety and build confidence in their shoppers by communicating product quality, return policies, shipping policies, and customer service commitments. Providing product reviews and testimonials can also build trust among visitors to your brand. Another way to prove you’re reliable is by adding your contact information or introducing a live chat app, so your customers can communicate with you in real-time.

9. Leverage Social Media Sharing

82% of Americans seek recommendations from friends and family before making a purchase, while 70% will trust recommendations from people they don’t know. Social proof can work, and the data proves it. 

Most times these recommendations come in the form of social media. Whether it’s a Facebook or Instagram post, a tweet, or a YouTube video, social media posts can help shoppers decide what to buy.

10. Encourage Visitors to Take Action

Creating urgency is key to persuading buyers to buy first and buy right at the moment instead of waiting. Some tools you can use are low stock alerts and promotional clocks. Amazon does this well with its low stock labels. Macy’s puts a big countdown promo clock that shows the minutes left to the end of their promo.

Summing Up

A highly converting product page can be worth its weight in gold. If you focus on optimizing your product pages by keeping the user experience at the forefront of all your actions, you’ll very likely be rewarded with higher conversions.