
5 Reasons Why Web Development is Important

January 25, 2022 Web development

Any business, regardless of size and industry, needs a website. Whether you want to drive sales through digital channels, showcase your portfolio, or raise awareness about a cause, web development services are the first endeavour to budget for. Some people may argue that social media platforms have overshadowed websites, but this is still not the case. 

While mobile devices and apps are ubiquitous, a flawless website visible in Google is the key prerequisite for success. It is an indispensable automation tool for sales! Here are five major reasons why structuring a solid web presence should be your first priority. 

What Is Web Development?

Let’s begin with web development definition and explanation for businesses. This field of expertise includes all tasks related to website building, from the user interface to hosting, such as:

  • Design and layout;
  • Content creation;
  • Network security;
  • Front-end and back-end scripting.

The front-end dimension includes all elements a user can see and interact with, such as buttons, images, menus, etc. The back-end is like the foundation of a house. It includes databases, servers, and other features running “behind the scenes”. 

A professional development team will create a fully-functional and visually attractive site that will communicate your brand identity and generate sales. The demand for these services is rising rapidly. According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS), web development will grow 8% by 2029 — at a higher rate than the average. 

Instead of web development services, companies may use drag-and-drop builders like the WordPress template. However, their limited functionality does not allow brands to create a truly unique, personalized or memorable experience. Web development will help you:

1. Build Trust

Poorly designed websites raise suspicion, as consumers are used to flawless navigation and design. If your e-store looks old-fashioned, it won’t generate many sales. Companies that fail to keep their content and design updated are seen as shady. Invest in web design for instant engagement and lead your visitors through the sales funnel.

The first impression is crucial. It takes a user a few seconds to form an opinion. Will they stay on your site to learn more, or abandon it immediately? If potential customers do not like what they see, they will turn to your competitors. Without a professionally-looking site, you are guaranteed to miss out on leads. 

A website is like a customer service representative. It signals to the audience how you treat them. Poor navigation, outdated content, and sloppy design are all major deterrents. They signal to the audience that you do not care about helping them. 

2. Attract Valuable Search Engine Traffic

SEO is one of the key promotional strategies for all businesses. Whatever your niche, Google rankings are crucial for driving organic traffic. In highly censored industries like cannabis, optimization is the only way to reach a wide audience. 

The majority of consumers discover products and services online. When they google words related to your industry, your visibility in the SERPs (search engine results pages) determines how many of them click on your link. Google considers around 200 different factors concerning on-page (content, layout, mobile optimization) and off-page (backlinks) components of your site.

The more potential customers see your website in search, the more visitors and conversions you get. Whatever your goal, be it sales or subscribers, you need a powerful SEO plan, and your website must support it. 

An important part of web development is optimizing for the right keywords. They should be included naturally and sparingly in the content, title tags, description tags, image descriptions, and other essential elements. Scoring high in the SERPs requires proper optimization. A well-designed and optimized site allows its owners to:

  • Drive sales without ads;
  • Calculate ROI to assess marketing efficiency;
  • Gather insights about the target audience;
  • Boost credibility and trustworthiness;
  • Get more leads and boost conversions.

3. Develop Online Presence

Websites are accessible 24/7 365 days a year. They are not tied to any location. Information about your products or services is therefore available around the clock, so customers can explore the catalogue and place orders at any time. A solid online presence takes businesses to a whole new level, supporting rapid expansion. 

Today, when the global pandemic has made virtual services essential, web development is a must. Small businesses also cut costs as they can operate without physical outlet locations. 

4. Use Online Marketing

Conventional marketing methods like advertising in the media are expensive. A website is the core and reference point for digital marketing efforts. All posts in social media, Google Ads and backlinks on other websites must lead to landing pages on the same platform. 

Although social media is important, websites drive credibility. A well-designed store speaks volume about the company that runs it. It communicates experience, expertise, and reliability. 

5. Beat Your Competitors 

Whatever the industry, your strongest competitors have already used professional web services. With a low-quality site, you will always be outranked by rivals and lose leads to them. 

Help your business stand out by investing in high-quality UX and UI. Showcase the unique features of your products or services. Let your audience immediately understand why they should choose you over other companies.

Invest in the best web services to stay ahead of the competition. Whether you are a startup or a well-established business, developing a unique experience for the client will always be essential.

You cannot make your brand recognizable and memorable without aesthetic consistency. A custom development team will adapt every web page to your company’s colours and styles. A comprehensive approach to design helps the audience build strong associations. 

More visitors will notice your website and get familiar with the business. Ultimately, you will get more leads and conversions down the line! Professional design services are a necessity, not an option. 

Final Word

These are the biggest, but not the only reasons why web development is absolutely essential. Every business needs a solid web presence coupled with an efficient SEO strategy. 

Both dimensions of web development — front-end and back-end — require special expertise, and web builders will always be inferior to tailor-made platforms. Hire an experienced team to showcase your products and services and generate sales. The long-term benefits of building a custom website are guaranteed to outweigh the initial costs.