
Content Distribution Ideas to Expand Your Brand Reach

September 8, 2021 Business, Marketing

You’ve heard it before—content is king. It is vital for any business today, especially in an increasingly online world. 

You need a lot of great content in order to cut through the noise and attract attention over your competitors. But just creating it is not enough.

In order to have a solid content strategy, you also need to solve the distribution part of the equation. 

Content distribution can be done in various ways, each with its own advantages. Ultimately, it will depend on your audience and the kind of content you are creating.

So let’s take a look at content distribution ideas that will help your business expand its reach. 

That way, your brand can enjoy being in the spotlight and engage more prospects from your market, all around the world.

A Note on Content Creation

Before jumping into different ways to distribute your content, let’s talk about the first step: creating content in the first place. 

See, your content needs to be great to begin with if you’re going to leverage the tips below. Still, creating content is easier said than done.

It is a best practice to sit down and create a content calendar. 

If you don’t already have a backlog of content, now is the time to create one. But don’t worry, you can actually automate this process more than you think.

Instead of spending days creating all-new content, one thing you can do to multiply the amount of content you have for your core audience is to repurpose existing content. 

You can either do this in-house with your content team or outsource it.

The primary concept behind repurposing content is taking existing content and then using parts of it to post in other places. 

Additionally, you can transcribe content from video form into text form. 

This appeals to different content preferences. That way, by creating one piece of content, you actually have many versions for various strategies.

How to Utilize Content For Brand Reach

Now that you have enough content, here is what you can do to use it to reap the biggest benefits for your brand.

Partnerships and Collaborations

Any time you partner with another brand, you gain an advantage. Simply distributing the content under your own company is less powerful than gaining access to the brand equity and audiences of others. 

This is especially true if they are in similar but non-competing markets.

For instance, you can reach out to influencers

Influencer marketing is a popular technique because it exposes your content to new eyes. In addition, you can earn backlinks to your website, otherwise increasing your footprint.

In order to do influencer marketing effectively, you need to establish a relationship and rapport with the other person or brand. 

Try to find out ways that your content could add value to their audience. If you make it a win-win situation, you will have a higher chance of success.

Start with a plan of influencers you would like to reach out to, and create a spreadsheet or add them into a CRM. Treat them like you would any customer, there is a process to reach out and sell them on the idea. 

After this, you need to establish which platforms would be best to promote your content. 

Keep in mind that the influencer may wish to take a percentage based on sales, clicks, or some other metric. They may even want a flat fee to promote your content. 

If this is the case, it is essential that you limit the platforms for your content, so you are spending your budget wisely.

Social Media Posts

No brand can afford to ignore social media. 

With almost 4 billion people using social platforms around the world every day, it is too huge of an opportunity to leave on the table. 

Therefore, you need to make social a key part of your distribution strategy.

One of the amazing parts of social media is that the reach is incredibly vast. 

It is also free, or very low-cost, even with paid tools you might use to manage it. However, one challenge is that social media is also very crowded.

Aim for a mixed strategy of relevant and engaging content. 

Sometimes, you can simply create teasers that link to your website to drive traffic. Or, you can use the platform as a way to teach and provide nuggets of value over time, to build a better relationship with your market.

Finally, don’t overlook interactive options like live video, Q&A’s, and responding to comments or DM’s. 

Many social platforms even grade you on your responsiveness, so you need a manager to stay on top of this. Otherwise, don’t bother with social media at all.

Content Promotion Platforms

There are certain content promotion platforms that you can use to distribute your content to a wider audience. 

They are often free, meaning that you just need to copy and paste your existing content. 

Every business should be utilizing these platforms as a low-cost way to gain new prospects.

Here are some good platforms to use:

  • Reddit. A community-based website with various forums around specific topics. You can post your content, get comment engagement, and even follow up with personal messages while increasing traffic to your site
  • YouTube. More and more people are choosing to consume video as their primary content source. Ensure you have videos on Youtube for more free traffic.
  • Slideshare. You can use this platform to educate your marketplace. You can repurpose your sales presentations as slides to automate your sales funnel.

With all of these content promotion platforms, ensure that you are making the most of them. 

All of your content should include links to your product or website. 

Furthermore, include calls to action at the end of the content to move visitors further into your funnel.

Email Marketing

Email is certainly not dead, and over 70% of millennials even prefer it

While it is one of the older platforms around, most people still use email to interact with official organizations and business brands. 

Furthermore, with it, you have direct access to your subscribers.

You can create drip campaigns to share content over weeks and months. 

Also, you can provide links to other content so that you are driving traffic. 

You also stay top of mind. When someone is ready to buy, they will remember you as their first choice. 

While this strategy is more long-term, it pays off with patience. Eventually, subscribers will turn into buyers, and you can upsell them on other products.

Paid Reach

With various organic strategies now being harder to achieve, paid reach is even more crucial to businesses who want to expand the reach of their content. 

The great thing about paid content is that you can be more specific with your audience. 

For instance, Facebook posts are now being throttled, but you can get them in front of more eyes with paid boosts.

Also, you can increase the traffic to organic posts that you want to improve the SEO on. With more traffic and engagement on your organic content, it will help it rank higher over time as well. 

This way, you are leveraging instant traffic with long-term growth.

Use an App for Distribution

One of the best ways to distribute your content is via a mobile app. 

There are many benefits of creating a mobile app for your business. For instance, you own all of your subscribers and control the relationship with them.

The marketing game has changed, you can’t simply create posts and expect to get engagement anymore. 

You need to provide content that is truly unique. It should express your brand messaging while helping your target market. 

By doing this, you ensure that your market has an incentive to download your app in the first place. 

Aim to provide content they won’t find anywhere else. This is especially true if you plan to charge users to download your app.

Improve Your SEO

Excellent SEO will help you be found in search engines like Google. The best part is that once you pay to create the content, the reach is free. 

Organic content requires great research, however.

You need to understand what our customers want on a deep level. Then, you need to do keyword research to discover phrases to use throughout your content. 

This will ensure that you attract the right kind of traffic and rank higher.

Finally, you need to master the art of creating great content. This is content that answers the questions that users are searching for. 

It should be engaging, direct, and helpful regarding your market’s specific needs. If done right, it is one of the premier ways to expand reach.

In Conclusion

Every business owner knows that they need to expand their brand reach if they want to increase conversions and sales. 

However, actually implementing the right strategy is filled with possible mistakes to avoid.

By having a clear set of strategies, you can distribute your content more effectively according to your KPIs. 

Therefore, you should take stock of the 7 methods above. You may end up using some of them, or even all of them.

The key is to start creating and distributing your content more often right away. That way, your business will be more well known and respected, resulting in higher revenues.

About the author:

Michelle Laurey works as a VA for small businesses. She loves talking about business and sharing her experience with others. Outside her keyboard, she spends time with her Kindle library or binge-watching Billions. Her superpower? Vinyasa flow! Talk to her on Twitter @michelle_laurey.