
Customize Devise permitted parameters

May 4, 2015 Programming

If you are using Devise gem for authentication and you have been adding custom fields to your model you’ll get in trouble when you try to create a new instance or update an existing one. All your added fields will be treated as unpermitted. The solution for this problem is to customise Devise’s configure\_permited\_parameters action. All you need to do is to add this action to your Application controller and push parameters that need to be permitted to devise\_paremeter\_sanitizer array. So let’s say you have a User Model and you have added company\_name and website fields to your user’s table, to permit this parameters on sign\_up you need to add this to your Application controller:

def configure_permitted_parameters
  devise_parameter_sanitizer.for(:sign_up).push(:company_name, :website)

It is the same principle for the :sign\_in and :edit\_account. You can see what are default permitted parameters here.