
How does the web design of eCommerce platforms reflect in sales?

When you’re looking to buy something online, what’s the first thing you do? Probably go to a search engine and type in what you’re looking for. After that, you’ll likely look at a few different eCommerce platforms before making your choice of where to make your purchase. 

But have you ever stopped to think about why one platform looks different from another? Why does one platform seem more appealing than another? Chances are, the design of the platform is a reflection of how well it sells products. 

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at how the web design of eCommerce platforms affects sales and explore some of the reasons why certain designs work better than others. We’ll also discuss some tips for designing an eCommerce platform that will help increase sales as well as the importance of optimal user experience.

Why is the good web design of an eCommerce platform important?

In today’s digital age, first impressions matter more than ever before. And when it comes to online shopping, that first impression comes from the eCommerce platform itself. 

A well-designed platform will make it easy for customers to find what they’re looking for and make a purchase, while a poorly designed one will drive them away. 

To put it simply, poor web design can lead to lower conversion rates and lost revenue and good web design can help improve conversion rates and increase sales.

What is a good web design for an eCommerce platform?

A good web design starts with a clean and simple interface. Customers should be able to intuitively navigate the site and find the products they’re looking for. And the overall look and feel of the site should be professional and trustworthy.


When it comes to web design, symmetry is important for a number of reasons. For one, it creates a sense of order and coherence that can help to engage visitors. Symmetrical designs also tend to be more visually pleasing, which can encourage people to stay on a website longer. 

Furthermore, symmetry can help to convey a sense of professionalism and trustworthiness, both of which are essential for any eCommerce platform. By taking the time to create a symmetrical design, you can give your website the best chance of success.


Colors play a critical role in web design for eCommerce platforms. They can help to set the tone of the site, express the brand personality, and influence customer behavior. 

For example, using vibrant colors can help to create an energetic and fun atmosphere, while using muted colors can convey a more serious and professional tone. 

The choice of colors can also affect how visitors perceive the price of products. In general, warmer colors tend to convey a sense of luxury, while cooler colors are associated with value. As a result, choosing the right colors can be essential for creating an effective eCommerce site.

What is user experience and why it is important?

Web designers should also focus on creating a positive user experience. User experience (UX) is all about how a person feels when using a product, system, or service. It’s about the look, feel, and overall experience of using something, and how easy or difficult it is to use. Good UX can make a big difference to how successful a product or service is, as it can help to keep users engaged and coming back for more. 

It’s important to consider UX when developing any kind of product or service, as it can have a major impact on how well received it is by users. By taking the time to create a good UX, you can help to ensure that your product or service is one that people will enjoy using.

Additionally, good user experience can positively affect SEO which always a benefit.

Is the saying “devil is in the detail” true?

Absolutely yes.

When it comes to web design for eCommerce platforms, the old saying “the devil is in the detail” could not be more true. Even the smallest details can have a big impact on a customer’s experience, and even the most well-designed website can fall short if those details are not given the attention they deserve.

Product photography

Perhaps the most important detail is the quality of the product photography. Poorly lit or poorly composed photos will not only discourage potential customers from making a purchase, but they will also damage the credibility of the website and the business itself.

Checkout Process

Another crucial detail is the design of the checkout process. A confusing or time-consuming checkout process will frustrate customers and lead them to abandon their shopping carts. Research shows that the cart abandonment rate is as high as 69%.

The checkout process should be quick and easy, without any hidden fees or unexpected surprises, and involve as many options as possible. Nowadays, people tend to use digital wallets, like PayPal, Revolut, or PlixPay, and web designers should take such options into the consideration.

Internal and External Linking

Finally, it is important to make sure that all of the links on the website are working properly. Broken links are not only frustrating for customers, but they also make it difficult for search engines to index the site, which can impact its ranking in search results.

By paying attention to these small details, businesses can ensure that their eCommerce websites are achieving their full potential.


eCommerce platforms are a necessary part of any online business. Not only do they provide the infrastructure for conducting sales transactions, but they also play a role in branding and marketing your company. 

A well-designed eCommerce platform can help to increase traffic and conversions, while a poorly designed one can have the opposite effect. To help the business achieve its goals and objectives, web designers should optimize their projects according to every piece of advice we provided in this post.