Show part of a Rails template in other locale
May 30, 2016
I recently worked on a Rails project, which had parts of pages in different languages. That may be a problem...
Show part of a Rails template in other locale
May 30, 2016
I recently worked on a Rails project, which had parts of pages in different languages. That may be a problem...
Deploying Rails app with Capistrano 3
May 5, 2016
In the lifetime of every application the time comes for it to be presented to everyone. That’s why we have...
rake db:schema:load vs rake db:migrate
March 24, 2016
Sooner or later every new Ruby developer needs to understand differences between rake db:schema:load and rake db:migrate. Basically, these simple...
Headless Firefox in Ubuntu on VirtualBox for Cucumber testing
December 3, 2015
If you use Vagrant, VirtualBox and Ubuntu to build your Rails apps and you want to test it with Cucumber...
Create and extract archives using tar and gzip
November 13, 2015
One of the simplest tasks is creating and extracting files using tar and gzip. Yet for most new developers this...
Creating and publishing a ruby gem
June 8, 2015
A gem is a simple way to distribute functionality, it can be a small plugin, a Ruby library or sometimes...
June 1, 2015
For our new project it was necessary to modify our database starting id. This can be handled through migration for...
Customize Devise permitted parameters
May 4, 2015
If you are using Devise gem for authentication and you have been adding custom fields to your model you’ll get...
How to skip Devise trackable updates
May 12, 2014
Devise has a very useful Trackable module used to track user’s sign in count, timestamps and IP address. There are...
Upgrade Ubuntu 8.04 LTS server
January 6, 2014
Note to self: here is how to upgrade Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (or any other release that is no longer supported)...
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