Top Educational Technology Trends in 2022
In the past few years, the emergency caused by the coronavirus has become the very driver that pressed many people to change jobs and areas of activity. Therefore, the trends of additional training programs have bounced. Finally, universities and schools got their equal competitors, who somehow stole many students.

The main competitive advantage of courses and different educational forms is the quality of the teaching staff. Mostly, these are specialists who could present the material in the most accessible, complete, exciting way, and most often very fast. The pandemic has put forward new requirements for new teachers’ generation – to have digital competencies, be flexible, adapt the lesson to any conditions and formats, and keep the audience’s attention in any situation.
Learning Experience on Digital Platforms
Modern education tries to meet the needs of today’s students: representatives of generation Z feel more comfortable learning remotely. Although it is impossible to make classical school education fully remote, the online format, according to UNESCO, helps solve many problems – at least related to unequal access to education in some regions.
The interactive approach to the learning process is making it more exciting and diverse. Due to the transition to online, a two-way connection appears between the teacher and students. The teacher continuously receives feedback from each person – even if he does not speak directly.
As a result, the teacher turns from a figure dictating what to do into a coordinator whose task is to accompany the process, tracking the student’s progress and adjusting the course following them. In other words, the responsibility for mastering the material is given to the student, while the teacher helps to go in the right direction, dwelling on problematic points.
As a result, the teacher turns from a figure dictating what to do into a coordinator whose task is to accompany the process, tracking the student’s progress and adjusting the course following them. Writer from PapersOwl, Dr. Wilson emphasizes: “The responsibility for mastering the material is given to the student, while the teacher helps to go in the right direction, dwelling on problematic points”.
Hybrid Form
The world has come to a consensus that there should be some combination to study online and be part of a community of interest.
With a mixed format, part of the material is mastered independently, and then it is worked out with a mentor or tutor – a coordinator who helps to find gaps in knowledge and correctly build a learning path. Such training has become very popular recently, completing the learning infrastructure with new categories.

Technology has helped to turn the blackboard into a big display that combines multi-touch, dry-erase, and handwriting. It is possible to download lesson materials from cloud storage in some variations.
The smartpen allows you to translate data into electronic format and instantly save the text type of information. Using a wired or wireless connection, you can quickly scan text from books and documents directly to your phone, tablet, or computer. In some models of pen-scanners, the function of translating texts into other languages is available. There is even a feature that allows you to listen to the text while scanning. Reading and listening to text is a great way to perceive the information better, for example, when preparing for exams.
How Can Virtual Reality be Useful?
You may not even think about the fact that you interact with VR technology almost every day. For example, many Instagram users like to use masks a lot. This is already an element of augmented reality.
Speaking of VR, initially, it was not taken seriously. It was pure entertainment. But today, everything has changed. Developers and logistics companies are actively resorting to process visualization using virtual reality. And as the learning becomes a game, students were given a chance to improve the classroom with the ar. One can say that using VR can have both positive and negative effects of technology on education, but for those who know what they do, the drawbacks simply do not work.
Not whole, but a significant part of the information can be presented in a playful way. A playful environment is working in a good way when students need to consolidate the material, conduct practical exercises, etc. Thus, dry theory becomes visual, understandable, and much more interesting, which further engages students and increases the effectiveness of education.

Increased Interest in Gamification
The game makes it possible to develop different strategies depending on various scenarios to develop events influenced by other participants, exacerbating dynamic uncertainty.
Participants adapt to the game through improvisation, including constant experimentation and learning from real life. Resilience to change in those who have achieved their goals in the game is formed through the support of trust and the formation of alliances in the game, team spirit, and commitment to the goal set for themselves.
The key to success in the game is the constant search for a balance between these three factors: the involvement of students in scenario analysis, the search for the best strategies, experimentation as the game progressed, and the formation of one’s social capital – the development of social networks for the exchange of ideas, trust and involvement.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence is actively used in many areas of daily human life. Yet, how can these technologies provide help in education?
The use of such technologies can qualitatively solve the problem of personalized learning and learning management. With the help of algorithms, a computer can track successes and failures and build an individual creative trajectory, which can be dynamically rebuilt as the learner develops.
Personalization of learning occurs due to adapting the student’s process of studying to his learning rate. Ai considers the methodology and pace of mastering the material, the needs of each student, his special interests and preferences and offers tasks of increasing complexity.
The blend of AI, AR, games, and different software tools bring a real challenge for students. Still, at the same time, technologies find ways to more rapid development, better retention, and a higher level of general awareness. Following modern trends in education is the most significant investment in future-self.