
What Is Content Syndication and How to Do It Successfully?

April 29, 2022 Marketing

In basic terms, content syndication is about republishing web-based content via a third-party website. 

You can have content like blog posts, videos, infographics, and more, republished. 

The third-party website benefits from getting free and relevant content and you benefit by getting your content in front of the eyes of a larger audience; giving you free exposure and publicity. 

The content on a third-party site can also include backlinks to your website, thus enabling you to increase your organic traffic. 

Websites of all sizes syndicate content, so by engaging with the practice of content syndication, you can reach a new audience and ultimately attain more interest in your products or services. 

Get Involved with a Content Syndication Program

Now that you have a good idea of what content syndication is, you will want to know how to go about it. 

One of the simplest and most effective ways of partnering with third-party sites to syndicate your content and get it seen is to get involved with a content syndication program. 

For example, ActualTech Media’s content syndication programs provide many benefits and options, including:

  • Advanced targeting capability.
  • Account-based marketing targeting programs.
  • Multi-touch campaign options.
  • Monthly syndication promotional bundle offers.
  • Lead reporting and tracking.

Syndicate Content on Larger Websites

Regardless of the precise methods you use to syndicate your content, there are several ways you can ensure the syndication is successful. 

It is a good idea to look into republishing your content on websites that are larger than your own, in order to reach more people through a site with high authority. 

However, while it is great that you can amplify your reach through this method, there can often be little incentive for the audience to check out the original source of your article, which means that a new audience could not convert into new leads

But if you simply want to enhance your brand awareness, syndicating on major web publications can be very helpful indeed. 

Publish Your Content on Larger Websites First

Sometimes it can make sense to post content on larger and more authoritative websites first and then publish it on your own website later. 

Bigger websites can often only be interested in fresh content, so by using this approach, more leading sites can accept your content. In turn, you can increase your brand awareness. 

After a while, you can publish the same content on your website and other channels.

Syndicate Content on Similar-sized Websites

If your focus is a niche audience, it is usually better to syndicate your content on websites that have similar authority and audience size as your own. Just make sure the website focuses on a similar subject matter. 

Start by searching for sites with similar readerships as your own. 

By using this approach, you are more likely to get contextual links that readers can reference back to your original article on your website, and thus, you can generate more solid leads. 

Look for Websites That Are Well-known for Syndicating Content

When you go with a well-known website that other sites use to share content, you can automatically get your content syndicated to other smaller sites. 

The smaller sites tend to share excerpts from the content and include backlinks to the original source. 

If you choose larger websites that often have content that is shared by other sites, you can quickly expand your audience and increase your reach. 

The Takeaway

To achieve successful content syndication, the important thing is to have a sound strategy in place.

It is usually best to partner with a content syndication program so that you can quickly and more easily share your content with relevant websites. 

But you should explore your content syndication options first to ensure you utilize the best strategies, which, in turn, will bring more leads.