
6 Useful Software That Will Make Your Work So Much Easier

March 26, 2021 Business

To say that computers have revolutionized the way we work would be an understatement of the century. Just about everything we do, whether it’s construction work or accounting, relies on the use of computers. 

With that said, a computer is just an interface that gives us access to various tools. It’s the software we choose to install on our computers that makes the most difference. If you’re looking to boost your productivity and make work easier, check out these 6 essential pieces of software! 

1. Zoom 

This past year has shown us just how disruptive global events can be. Overnight, the way we work and conduct business has changed completely. With so many people working remotely from their homes, it is absolutely necessary to have an app that allows you to communicate with your coworkers and superiors. 

Up until this year, many places used software such as Slack or similar text-based communication tools. These worked well because they were never meant to be a substitute for on-site work. Now that there was a legitimate need for such software, most companies started using Zoom

Zoom is an app that allows you to have conference video calls with people all over the world. It’s currently the best way to have meetings and maintain clear lines of communication between departments. If your company has more than a few employees, Zoom is definitely an app you need to look into. 

2. Excel/Google Sheets 

Excel spreadsheets have been an essential piece of software for just about any organization that deals in any kind of data. In other words, every organization. Whether you’re doing simple payroll stuff or processing massive data sets, having access to Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets is a must. 

That being said, both of these apps offer much more functionality than meets the eye. In fact, Excel has its own little syntax that you can use to create innovative equations and ways to automate data processing. For example, there are scripts and formulae that allow you to convert columns of data into rows. Sounds like a simple thing to do, but this single operation can save someone, somewhere hours of manual work. 

Although both Excel and Google Sheet are plenty powerful, the latter has a slight advantage over the former solely based on the fact that you can easily share spreadsheets between multiple users. 

3. Slack 

We’ve already mentioned Slack ever so briefly, but this piece of software deserves much more attention than that. Slack is an essential piece of software for projects where entire teams of people collaborate on the daily. Is Zoom a better platform for communication? Sure, but Slack more than makes up for any shortfalls with its ability to greatly streamline the workflow. 

With Slack, you can recreate your entire corporate structure with various privileges given to teams, private and public channels, private messaging and so much more. Most importantly, Slack allows you to share data between teams and manage large files. 

Combine Slack with the Google Suite, and you’ve got yourself an incredibly powerful set of tools that will boost your teams or your organization’s productivity. 


Compared to the apps we’ve just discussed, IFTTT may come across as unusual. However, this seemingly simple piece of software can be a true force multiplier in the right hands. IFTTT stands for If This Then That. Anyone who is even remotely familiar with high-level programming languages will recognize this basic syntax, 

What IFTTT allows you to do is automate a whole array of menial tasks. You can pretty much do anything you want with this app. For example, you can set if/then scripts for your phone to pull up the weather report every day at the exact time. Likewise, you can also have your computer send a copy of a business email straight to your personal account the moment it appears in your inbox. 

IFTTT may not be as straightforward as the other apps on this list, but it is very much an awesome tool to have in a work environment. 

5. RescueTime 

Working from home has changed the game so much that many companies are contemplating retaining the remote status of their employees even when things settle down. However, we’re starting to see some drawbacks as well. Retaining focus while working at home has proven to be extremely difficult for some.

RescueTime won’t solve your focus issues for you, but it will help you recognize where you’re losing most of your time. This piece of software will let you know how much time you’re wasting on social media, entertainment sites, and how much time you’re spending actually working. It’s a great tool for those who are having trouble getting used to working from home! 

6. Microsoft Office 2019 

Last but not least, we have to mention the OG software suite designed for business. Microsoft Office 2019 is the latest version of what is essentially the software package that started it all. With the 2019 version, you’re getting all the usual suspects (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.), but you’re also gaining access to a bunch of cloud storage, shared access, something called Microsoft Exchange, and a whole array of new tools that were added to the Office recently. 

That being said, Microsoft Office 2019, just like several of its predecessors, is operating on a subscription basis. Considering that G Suite is free, you’d definitely have to put each of these on paper and weigh their pros as well as cons. 

One of the most convincing reasons to go with Office is the fact that most people are already used to it and switching to anything else would likely put a dent in their productivity. 

Investing in hardware is fairly easy. If you need it, you’ll get it. However, many organizations have trouble investing in software despite the fact that doing so would greatly improve their bottom line. If you’re running a business or think of becoming an independent contractor, do yourself a favor and don’t skimp on software. Your future self will thank you for it.