
6 Useful Tips On How To Better Manage Your Social Media Accounts

December 12, 2021 Marketing

Just a couple of decades ago we were using dial-up modems to connect to really bland, text-heavy websites to read a few things, check some email, maybe talk to a friend through a dedicated messenger, and that was about it. Today, we start our day with a notification menu that has everything that has been happening in the digital world while we slept. We are constantly connected to the internet, literally. We use the internet for everything from work to entertainment to learning. If there is one thing that has not changed ever since the inception of the internet, is the fact that it grows every single day, by every metric imaginable.

The other big revolution on the internet is social media. Today, not only do we use social media, we use multiple kinds of social media and it’s not just us the consumers, it’s also the businesses. From the tiny corner store around the corner to the biggest names in the business world, everyone is on social media. In fact, according to recent statistics, social media is the second most used medium for searching for a product or service brand. And there isn’t a big difference between search engines, ranked number one, and social media, ranked number two. As individuals who are using social media for more than just connecting with an old friend, there are some important things to know that will help you get the most out of social media platforms and that will also make your life a little easier in the process.

1.  Plan

One of the biggest mistakes both individuals and businesses make is that they are spontaneous and sporadic with their social media posts. In some cases, the social media page will lay dormant for several consecutive months, and when the holiday season kicks in, it’s bombarded with multiple posts per day. What’s even worse, many of these posts have nothing to do with the business or the product. They are simply being thrown onto the page to somehow create engagement and increase the organic reach of the page. Viewers only look at something that is relevant and interesting. Create a plan for what you want to be posting and literally make a schedule for what is going to be posted and when that will be done.

2.  Automate

If you have gone through the process of creating all the material that you want to create, then the good news is that you don’t have to sit and wait for the right time. Social media management can easily be automated and a software platform can do the actual publishing. Depending on what you want to publish you can use different tools that will take that content and publish it to wherever you want it to be. Some of these are free while those with better features usually have a monthly subscription. More importantly, they can even track the interactions that happen and give you some analytics about how your posts are doing. For the user, there is no difference between seeing a post that was posted by a human or a machine.

3.  Delegate

For some people and businesses, just coming up with the content to create can be exhausting. It is very creative work and it’s even harder to find things that are relevant to the product, the consumer, and the social media platform they are being published on. Rather than stressing yourself out, consider social media management services where experts can help you out. You don’t need to have any artistic skills, in fact, you don’t even need to know what they are posting. All you need to know is that the content they create and publish increases your brand’s reach, awareness, and eventually, profit. These are professionals and the content they create is naturally going to be much higher quality than anything you will scramble to put together.

4.  Analyze

So the content has been decided upon, the material has been created, and you even launched it, but the sales aren’t coming in. That is a reality that many people have to face on social media. Brute force isn’t the answer. You need to understand what is going on with your social media. You need to take into consideration that maybe your content isn’t resonating with the audience as you had forecasted or intended. That is why social media platforms like Facebook provide very comprehensive analytics for your social media posts. If that isn’t enough you can use additional resources. This is going to be a vital tool in achieving the results that you want. It’s like cooking a dish and not tasting it before you send it out.

5.  Experiment

The analysis also includes competitor analysis and understanding what other people, brands, and businesses in your space are doing to gain more user attention. Sometimes it’s fine to copy their approach, sometimes it even gives great results. But you have to consider that humans like things that catch their attention. Doing something out of the ordinary is what is going to help you get more visibility. Sometimes experimenting will also backfire and you might get no attention at all. However, doing those unique things might lead you to something more powerful than anything that your competitors have ever used.

6.  Stay Safe

There are over 4 billion people on the internet today, a majority of them are on social media, and not all of them have good intentions. While the average viewer will just be the average viewer, there are some out there that are looking for a target that they can extort in some way or another. There are a number of safety tools that you can use, some basic solutions include a good anti-virus, a reliable browser, and a VPN. If you work as a team, make sure your team members are also familiar with basic digital safety hygiene protocols.

For the foreseeable future, social media is not going to be slowing down at all. If anything, it might replace or at least overtake other more traditional forms of media. Specifically for the entertainment industry, there are a lot of things that the big tech companies are doing to compete with traditional TV and we can already see just how popular video streaming has become. If you aren’t on the social media train already, it is never a bad time to hop on. Whenever you decide to join the digital world, keep these things in mind so you can get to your destination a little faster.