
7 Useful Tips That Will Help You Secure Your IoT Devices

July 20, 2022 Business

The Internet of Things (IoT) consists of different devices connected to a network in your home. Installing your home with the latest smart devices can make your life easy in many ways. However, you should be wary of the security and safety of your gadgets since they can be exposed to attacks. Fortunately, there are different measures you can take to protect them. 

Here are 7 useful tips that will help you secure your IoT devices.

1. Set up Your Router Properly 

Your Wi-Fi router is the gateway to the smart home, and it plays a critical role in protecting your IoT devices. When you set up your router, it is important to follow the best practices to create a secure connection that does not compromise your data and hardware. The first step is to change the router’s default name. Hackers usually target default names that come with certain makes and models to get access to your home network.

Be creative and use a unique name for your router that is difficult to guess. Hide your network so that it is not discoverable in your neighborhood. Additionally, you also need to create a strong password for your router. A strong password is long and it consists of letters, numbers, or symbols. You should change your password regularly and never share it even with the people you trust.   

2. Check Your Device Settings

Most smart devices come with insecure settings. The challenge with weak default credentials is that they consist of intrusive features that can allow permissions and unauthorized access. As a result, you may see your smart TV performing poorly like freezing while watching your favorite program on Netflix. According to information found at sensemother, the first step to secure your device is to reconfigure its settings. Update your devices and restart them to enhance a smooth connection.

Another important step you should take is to disable the features you don’t want. These can affect performance and lead to issues like slow speed. However, the purpose of the smart device determines the features you can install or disable. Do not put software updates off to protect your device. When an update is available, your device gives you an alert but takes due diligence before installing it. Updates from manufacturer websites are reliable. 

3. Use Strong Encryption

If you choose to use your smart devices remotely, avoid using public Wi-Fi networks without encryption protocols to secure your data. Make sure your network runs on up-to-date standard protocols like WPA2. If your network is unsecured, it leaves your devices and data exposed to hackers. Whenever you transfer data between different devices in your home, make sure you use strong encryption to keep attackers at bay.

To ensure maximum safety, you should install regular updates to prevent attacks. However, you must use reliable sources to update your system. Never click links you don’t trust to protect your smart devices. When you have installed new updates on your gadgets, it is vital to restart them.

4. Disable UPnP Features

IoT devices come with universal plug-and-play (UPnP) features that are designed to network your devices easily without any need of configuring each device individually. However, the problem with this feature is that it makes your smart devices discoverable by hackers outside your network. 

When an attack happens, all your devices will be vulnerable since UPnPn makes all devices accessible at the same time. As a result, all your smart gadgets can be damaged. Therefore, it is a good idea to disable UPnP unless you are prepared to compromise the safety of your devices for the love of convenience. If you have a few gadgets in your home, you can prevent this scenario by configuring them manually.        

5. Create Multiple Networks

If you use a single Wi-Fi router for an internet connection, it is vital to create multiple networks to manage your devices easily. For instance, you can create a kids’ network or networks for visitors to minimize interference with your smart devices. You also need to create a network that is specifically meant to connect your smart devices. This helps you manage your networks and protect them from potential hackers who can access sensitive data. Make sure each network you create is secured with a strong password and encryption method. 

6. Install Firewalls 

Install firewalls and other IoT solutions to prevent unauthorized traffic from accessing your network. You also need to enable intrusion detection systems/intrusion prevention systems (IDS/IPS) to analyze and monitor network traffic. These will give you a warning of potential threats and also block them once detected. Just like antivirus software, a firewall plays a critical role in blocking malware and other harmful programs. 

You can also add an automated vulnerability scanner to detect any security weaknesses in your network infrastructure. You can utilize a port scanner to review all the network services running to flag any threat. Once a threat is detected, you should act immediately to prevent harm. 

7. Disconnect Devices Not in Use 

Carefully read the privacy policy for each app you use in your home to understand how they function. When specific devices and features are not in use, it is a good idea to disconnect them. For instance, you can disable features like voice control, and remote access, unless you want to use them to perform security checks. Whenever you want to use them, you can connect them. If you are not using a particular device, you should disconnect it from the network since it will not be serving any purpose. Reconnect the hardware properly when you want to use it so that it does not disrupt other devices already running. 

A smart home is convenient, especially if you maintain a busy schedule. However, you should always remember that your IoT devices are vulnerable to cyberattacks which can lead to the loss of sensitive data. Your gadgets can also be damaged in the process. So, it is vital to take the necessary measures to safeguard your smart devices, and these tips can go a long way in protecting them.