
Five Ways to become a Better Writer Using Android Apps and Tools

February 11, 2022 Marketing

Five important measures that you can take to ensure that you become a better writer through the application of android apps and tools even when handling the most complex write-ups.

It is essential to note that the advancement and incorporation of technology in high learning institutions have made the entire learning process more enjoyable. Currently, students have less difficulty understanding complex concepts, and they are taking a shorter duration completing tasks that would take them the entire day. In most cases, a student’s level of understanding of various concepts is assessed through their essays and research papers, among many other different academic papers. Therefore, students must strive to work on their writing skills and take them to the next level.

It is important never to forget that excellent writing skills could aid an individual in conveying their message more clearly and effectively to a larger audience than face-to-face conversations or communication over the telephone. Apparently, written communication should have accurate spelling, flawless grammar, and correct punctuation. 

Writing excellent thesis statements has never been a walk in the park for the majority of the students. Most students would spend almost the entire day creating quality thesis statements. The good thing is thanks to technological advancement, students have less difficulty utilizing tools, such as the thesis statement generator, to write quality thesis statements for their academic papers.

Whenever a student is writing an academic paper, they must ensure that they are of the highest quality. This is because your audiences are more likely to create an opinion grounded on your content and overall presentation. Therefore, avoidable mistakes in your content could negatively impact your average academic performance. Do not forget to write your references properly too. Aside from thesis statement generators, it’s a good thing that citation generators like Quillbot are available as well. 

Generally, scholars with excellent writing skills are usually regarded as well-educated since they deliver quality academic papers that aid them in scoring excellent academic grades. This article will discuss ways to become a better writer using android apps and tools. 

The Gold Standard

Delivering academic papers filled with wrong punctuations, spelling mistakes, wrong tenses, and poor grammar could negatively impact your overall academic credibility and performance. Therefore, you must ensure that it is devoid of the above errors before delivering any assignment to your lecturer for grading. Among the top tools that will help you become a better writer is the Gold Standard.

This tool is ideal for learners who are not confident with their writing skills. The good thing is that there is a wide range of versions available, and hence, an individual can settle for the one that fulfills their need. If it is your first time using the tool, you might consider starting with the free version, the Google Chrome browser extension.

The other good thing is that once it is installed, the tool will help you keep an eye on your entire writing, from academic papers, emails and social media posts. You will get numerous suggestions on checking for spelling mistakes and improving your grammar. 


Like the tool above, Grammarly can come in handy for students who are not confident with their overall writing. One of the enthralling things about this tool is that it could also be used together with Outlook and Microsoft Word.

Using the tool can be likened to having an English tutor standing next to you with suggestions on how to correct, edit, and improve the overall quality of your academic papers. The tool is ideal for individuals who would wish to get a site of those common grammatical errors as well as get suggestions of a wide range of vocabulary.

One of the exciting things about the tool is that it has a free version, and hence students can use the app without having to part with any penny. 

A Timer App

Time is an essential element, which, once wasted, can never be recovered. Therefore, students must learn to utilize their time effectively. Thanks to technological advancement, there are many time applications on the Internet.

If you are stranded about where you could find these apps, one of the great places to look for them is on the Online Stopclock, where you could download and install it in the technological device you use to complete your assignments and revise for your examinations.

The good thing is that there are also mobile versions, and hence, an individual can effortlessly install the apps on their smartphones. Apparently, all the versions are free, and thus, a student does not have to incur any expenses. The application allows the user to switch between different tasks in the span of eight minutes, fifteen minutes, or even every thirty minutes.

Generally, doing a single activity for continuous long hours could be boring. 


Once in a while, students have difficulty understanding certain words, especially when reading novels or research papers written by well-known authors.

Generally, some academic papers are written using complex jargon. Hence, sometimes, it can be challenging to comprehend the author’s intended meaning, mainly if you are in the beginner category. This is one of the whys and wherefores why every student should strive to have a dictionary application installed on their mobile phones or laptops.

This way, you will have less difficulty understanding complex concepts, and you will also improve your list of vocabulary. 


As mentioned in the introduction, technological advancement has made the entire student’s learning experience more enjoyable. Students can share lecture notes, recorded videos, and many other things thanks to an application such as Gmail.

On the same note, it is essential always to remember that Gmail accounts are well-secured, and hence, an individual can save their sensitive information without worrying that it might land in the wrong hands. Gmail could assist you in improving the entire quality of your writing since you will have a place where you can save all the necessary studying materials and make references anytime there is a need. 

Indeed, there are many Android applications and tools that could assist students in improving the quality of their writing. The ones described in this article are just but a glimpse of them. As mentioned in the introduction, with applications such as the thesis statement generator, students do not have to waste too much time developing an excellent one.