
From Clicks to Customers: 6 Content Marketing Strategies for eCommerce Growth

August 9, 2023 Marketing

Content marketing has become one of the best ways to gain attention as a brand in the online space. Paid ads are expensive and eat into your profit margin. Once you create a successful content marketing strategy, a lot of your ongoing expenses are minimal, and you’ll continue gaining new customers at little cost.

That’s why it’s no surprise that 96% of marketers say content marketing has been effective for their brands.

Do you want to learn more about content marketing for eCommerce? Keep reading to learn six eCommerce content ideas you can add to your eCommerce content strategy.

1. Start a Blog

A blog is an excellent option for eCommerce brands with a product that solves problems. Consumers regularly search the internet to find information about how to solve issues. The brands that appear first for those searches are more likely to get the customer when they are ready to buy.

A blog is a great way to reach those people. Since Google is one of the first places people turn to find solutions to problems, your goal will be to find keywords people type into Google and write blog posts that target that information.

Handling eCommerce SEO in this manner will help you create detailed guides for every topic in your industry. Use your guides to inform people how to solve their problems and how your solution can help make things easier.

2. Create Linkable Pages

Another element of gaining authority in search engines and growing your rankings is building your website’s authority. The primary method of doing this is the method mentioned above. You build website content to answer user questions and build content pillars for eCommerce to increase authority.

But that will only get you so far if your competition does their jobs and produces excellent content. If you want to improve your chances of ranking your content, you must build your authority using off-site SEO.

You do this by acquiring backlinks. When another reputable website links to your content, it increases your store’s authority in the eyes of Google. Build content on your website that attracts links by producing the best content that encourages other websites to link to your store’s website.

3. Focus on Social Proof

Building trust with consumers is one of the hardest parts of growing an eCommerce brand. If nobody has heard of your company before, proving you have great products and getting conversions becomes much harder.

That process becomes easier when you have social proof. Shoppers take positive reviews as a sign that a product is good and worth investing money in.

Try to gather as many reviews for your products as possible. Once you have great feedback, make those reviews visible on your website to let people know you have a great product.

Don’t just limit reviews to product pages, either. Put them in places that lead to shopping carts to ensure people have the information they need to make purchasing decisions.

4. Create Infographics

One of the ways many new brands get traction is by creating content that gets shared on social media. They have engaging content, so people share what they read with their friends to make a piece of content go viral.

Infographics are one of the content types that will help you see success in content marketing. Infographics are informative, look great, and easily share on social media.

Consider the type of information your customers want to see and use an infographic to discuss it. For instance, you may want to talk about home security issues if you’re a security company. You can create an infographic that talks about security statistics in residential neighborhoods.

5. Create Informative Videos

More people than ever spend time watching videos on the internet. It’s an easier-to-consume content format that allows people to see what they are learning. And if someone is taking on a hands-on project, it’s easier to digest the information and put it into practice.

You can use this to your advantage and create videos for your customers. Think of the types of things people do with your products and create videos that show them how to put them to use.

Doing this will allow people to see first-hand what your products are capable of. If they buy it to solve a problem, this can be the push that convinces someone to buy.

6. Recruit Other Webmasters

If you’re a new eCommerce operation, you may not have the funds to hire a sales team. But you have other options if you want to convince others to promote your products.

If you have a profit margin to work with, you can recruit affiliates to promote your brand. You offer a commission to your affiliates whenever they make a sale. That’s enough reason for many of them to create content for your products.

Come up with affiliate guidelines that dictate how people promote your company. Once you do, your affiliates will create content on the internet and use their affiliate link to send visitors to your store.

Use These Content Marketing for eCommerce Ideas

You need all the traffic sources you can get when trying to grow an eCommerce brand. Investing in paid ads can get you far. However, you’ll constantly need to pay for traffic and eat into your profit margin when you go this route.

The good news is that you have other options. There are many avenues for content marketing that will allow you to post your content, rank organically, and get free traffic for your online store. Invest in the content marketing for eCommerce tactics above to gain more exposure for your products.

Are you looking for more information that will help you get more sales for your eCommerce website? Check out the blog to find the latest online marketing tactics.