
How SEO Packages Drive a Business’s Growth

August 17, 2022 Marketing

If you have a business, you will likely have a website. Nearly all companies have websites these days. You also probably want as many people as possible to visit your site. You know that the more individuals visit, the more likely you will get more sales.

You may also know that marketing teams generally want their clients with websites to utilize SEO best practices. However, you might know nothing about SEO up to this point.

In this article, we’ll talk about SEO and how it helps your company thrive. We’ll also go over what an SEO package does for your bottom line.

What Precisely is SEO?

Before we talk about SEO packages, let’s ensure you understand what the term means. SEO means search engine optimization. Google is the world’s number one search engine. You type a word or phrase into it, and the Google algorithm pulls up search results that it lists in order.

Google, and any other search engine you might use, has a proprietary algorithm. Google’s top executives never reveal exactly how the algorithm works. However, you can extrapolate a great deal about its operation by looking at the search results when you type in any phrase.

You can regard SEO as a science, craft, or discipline that has emerged over the past few years. 

Companies and individuals use SEO to make sure your site ranks at the top of the Google search results when someone puts in a phrase or keyword about your niche or industry.

In other words, an SEO expert can tell you what to include on your website if you want to rank for terms your potential customers will likely type into Google. Since Google completely dominates the search engine market, any SEO team or expert you hire will focus on it. They might tell you how to change your website, so you get more visitors, but they can also do it themselves if you pay them enough.

What is an SEO Package?

SEO firms exist now that can help you make your site better. Better, in this case, means more Google-friendly. 

For instance, an SEO firm or individual expert you hire might tell you to include a keyword list they develop using particular tools or research. Programs exist now that provide detailed analytic reports telling the user what keywords and phrases they should use to generate more web traffic for a particular site.

No two SEO packages will likely have exactly the same content or features. That’s because you can get very basic, not-too-expensive ones that only scratch this concept’s surface. You can also get very expensive packages that break down your website’s performance in every conceivable way.

Which one your company gets will depend on a few different factors. First, you’ll need to see how much SEO agencies charge. Some demand more, and others less. Usually, the cost depends on their proven track record helping companies and their expertise level.

You might contact one that helps local businesses. For instance, if you have a store with a website in Columbus, OH, you may want to speak to an SEO agency located there. However, you might also hire an agency located across the country. Just because an SEO agency isn’t local, that doesn’t necessarily mean it can’t do a good job for you.

What Can an SEO Package Do for Your Company?

Once you have determined what SEO company you should hire, you can meet with a company rep, either in person or digitally, and you can talk about what you want them to do for you. You might have a Skype or Zoom meeting, speak to them on the phone, or exchange some emails. Usually, Zoom or Skype works best if you can’t meet with them in person.

You might say you want more people to visit your site. You may tell the SEO company representative that you want a lower bounce rate for your website. That means you want fewer people visiting your site and then immediately leaving.

You might say you want to see more people convert when they visit your site, or maybe you want them to use your inbound and outbound links. You may want all of these things. More website engagement of any kind usually helps your company, though people buying your products and utilizing your services should be the end game for most businesses.

The right SEO package can potentially help in all of these areas. The SEO firm or individual you hire probably has several options, and they can customize the package for you depending on what you tell them during the initial and any subsequent meetings.

SEO companies, if they’re good at the job, can get you a lower bounce rate by making your landing page and product pages more compelling. They might suggest you change your URL if it’s not working for you. They may add more videos and original images to your website if they look at it and see that it’s bland and uninspired.

The right SEO package can get more people to read your website’s blogs, follow your social media accounts, give you their email addresses for your mailing list, etc. There’s very little an SEO firm can’t do for your company if they have the latest tools and know all the modern strategies.

If you can find an SEO agency or individual who does their job well, you can just imagine how valuable they might prove. You can use them to regularly optimize your company’s site.

Business owners would love to only pay an SEO agency or specialist once and never have to do so again, since SEO can get expensive. However, you should regard your company’s website as a living entity that always needs maintenance.

Because of this, you might buy an SEO package a single time, but then you’ll use the company that provided it for regular site check-ups. That’s often what it takes to stay on top in any industry.