
Network Segmentation 101: Why Do You Need It?

July 18, 2022 Business

The importance of safeguarding network systems is rising significantly every day. Especially with the coronavirus outbreak, the number of cyber-attacks has increased remarkably. As a consequence of that, companies, organizations, and individuals started to adopt a variety of cybersecurity solutions to protect their data. In today’s world, protecting data can be vital. That is why cybersecurity measures play a notable role. Some of these measures create a core system for frameworks. 

They are called cybersecurity architectures, and network segmentation is one of them. Network segmentation plays a significant role when it comes to cybersecurity. It offers scalability, security, and enhanced performance for companies, especially for those that work collaboratively or has numerous departments. In today’s article, we will talk about the reasons why companies should implement this solution and provide you with a how-to guide. But first, let’s explain what is network segmentation briefly.

What is Network Segmentation?

Network segmentation is a concept of creating distinct and independent subnetworks or sections within a network system. The main idea behind this architectural design is to set apart sections and protect them one by one. Additionally, segmentation makes it possible to trap malicious actors in one section. When a breach occurs, these malicious actors tend to move all around the networks and try to gather as much information as possible. However, thanks to network segmentation features, malicious actors can not move freely around the system.

Also, network segmentation provides IT managers with better visibility into the network. Each segment can be monitored and tracked individually. When a problem arises, companies may take action just for that specific segment, since the network is segmented into separate parts. Being able to isolate the issue may be the most important advantage of network segmentation because it reduces the impact of a breach significantly. Segmented networks are much easier to manage and monitor. With that all said, let’s take a look at the types of segmented networks and how to implement network segmentation respectively.

Network Segmentation Types

Essentially there are two types of network segmentation. Physical (Perimeter-based) and virtual (logical) segmentation. Although the former is seen as more secure, it requires a lot of effort. Perimeter-based segmentation requires hardware for every endpoint device which can be struggling. Also, as the name implies this type provides only perimeter-based protection. This means if malicious actors are to breach the system, they can roam as they want in the network.

Logical segmentation, on the other hand, provides security for the entire system and uses shared firewalls and uses VLANs. This means it is much easier to manage and requires less effort. There are also other types of network segmentation. Firewalls, SDN-based segmentation, host-based segmentation, and micro-segmentation are the sub-types of network segmentation.

  • Firewalls: Reduces the impact of breaches by limiting the attack surface. However, it is not a cost-efficient solution.
  • SDN-based segmentation: Provides more manageability and functions automatically.
  • Host-based segmentation: Appoints agents to each endpoint and reports all the traffic flow to the central manager which provides better visibility.
  • Micro-segmentation: Prevents lateral movement by logically diving the network into independent segments.
  • VLAN Network Segmentation: Enhances network efficiency and keeps threats from propagating outside of a VLAN

Benefits of Network Segmentation

Apart from network security, segmentation architecture offers a variety of advantages to enterprises. For example, segmented networks often maintain compliance requirements by securing access to confidential information. This also improves the confidentiality of the data. As mentioned above network segmentation increases visibility which is a great advantage for companies. Segmented networks are easier to monitor and users’ access can be limited to specific segments which makes it easier to track user activity and traffic flow. 

Another benefit of segmented networks is it enables companies to work together or share their network with third parties without risking compromising security. Network segmentation allows companies to create a private segment for third parties. In this way, enterprises can manage which information, application, or service others can access and apply specific policies for each segment. This feature also increases the network performance because the traffic in one segment does not slow others down.

How to Implement Network Segmentation?

Before starting the process of segregation, there are a few things a company should execute. First of all, companies should have a look at how they perceive their business and how effective is their current security. This approach enables companies to see if network segmentation will be beneficial or not. After that competency and resource assessment comes. Successfully assessing core competencies helps companies to determine how to segregate their network. With a clear vision and successful self-evaluation, implementing network segmentation can be simpler than it looks.

In the segregation process, the first thing you should do is identify users, sections, and devices. This helps you to determine which privileges should be given to which user. Also, with this practice, only the required level of authorization is granted to users. While segmenting a network companies should carefully choose sections and privileges if not it may result in over-segmentation or under-segmentation. If you create more sections than needed, the process may get complicated, and if you have less than required some of the users may have excessive access privileges.

Wrapping Up

Implementing a network security solution can sometimes be confusing, complicated, and exhausting. However, with these best practices mentioned above, you can easily adopt new measures for your business. As cyberattacks are widespread problems in today’s business environment, companies should value their network security more than ever. Failing to safeguard networks and systems may have vital consequences for companies.

For example, companies have specific liabilities as a result of regulatory compliances. And many cybersecurity solutions, such as network segmentation, help companies to comply with different regulations. With network segmentation, in particular, companies and organizations may easily comply with PCI DSS. Many cybersecurity solutions provide more than security and safety. They are essentially designed to increase performance, provide flexibility, improve control, and reduce complexity while safeguarding network systems, personal information, and confidential data.