
Online Tools and Services for Easier Business Registration

March 17, 2021 Business

Starting and growing a small business isn’t easy. You have to think about the choices you and your teammates make carefully. A little mistake can lead to the most significant loss of your life. After selecting the industry, name, and place of your business, the next step is to register it. 

The tool, software, and services help you smoothly run your business and organize everything. Therefore, you need some tools and services to help you write your business better from starting to write a company. Here are some of those:

The National Occupational Licensing Database

To start a business or trade, individuals have to get a government license, which is known as Occupational License. It varies from state to state and has certain conditions you have to follow to get the permit. You can use this database to find out if you need that license from the government for your business or not.

Online Business Formation Services

Some of the best online business formation services are ZenBusiness, Incfile, and Legal zoom. They help you establish your business and provide different services like federal tax I.D. number, operating agreement, registered agent services, and registration of the trademark.

For example, you are interested in limited company formation in the UK, and for some reason, you are not in the UK at the moment, this kind of service is the way to go.

Some of these services are a bit expensive, and others charge a few hundred dollars to do the work for you. You can select any of these according to your requirements.

Registered Agent Services:

Registered agents are people who can take care of your legal paperwork for you. They can receive service of process so you don’t have to, and in many states they are required if you want to incorporate a company, to establish an LLC or corporation. Various firms and business formations also offer registered agent services to address the legal notices and documents for you.

You can hire an agent for your business but make sure they are from a trustable agency. LLC formation services for your business, such as ZenBusiness and Incfile, will be able to handle business processes so you can focus on other important matters as you build your company.

U.S. Local Government Database

You can use the U.S. Local Government Database (  to find out your Small Business Association offices and city halls’ contact information. They will help you find out the permits and licenses you need to register your business.

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

Trademarks are registered to secure the name or logo of different businesses. You can also register your patent or trademark at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s website. You have to fill a simple form and follow the rest of the instructions on the site. However, they charge some fee for the maintenance of the trademark or patent.

Final Words

While registering a business, you have to make the choices carefully. You cannot handle all the work alone, and the company depends on you. You can get help from the services mentioned earlier and tools to run your business with no worries.