
Sales Rank Tracking: Monitor and Analyze Product Sales Ranks with Amazon Scraper API

August 11, 2023 Marketing

A million-dollar question that every online seller wants an answer to – how do I track my sales rank and pull in more profit?

Well, we have got you covered. But before diving in, let’s first discuss what sales rank actually is. A sales rank is a score that determines the popularity of a product within its specific category. This metric is calculated on an hourly basis and ranges between 1 to over 1 million. The lower the rank number, the higher the sales made, and vice versa.

Since thousands of dollars can be made or lost instantaneously when the sales rank fluctuates, it is important to keep track of it. For this purpose, a number of brands use scraping services, like scraper API, that help them monitor and analyze sales rank and increase their chances of success.

This post will cover scraper API and its benefits and uses briefly, along with discussing how this tracking tool can prove to be useful for retail businesses.

What is a Scraper API

Scraper API is a service that allows the scraping of online sources without getting blocked. It retrieves HTML from any webpage via a simple API call and delivers ready-to-process data to businesses for various purposes.

The tool works in such a manner that it rotates IP addresses with every request from tons of proxy servers over different Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and automatically retries failed requests to prevent scraping from blocking. Above all, it has the ability to handle JavaScript rendering and bypass CAPTCHAs, which is useful for seamless data scraping.

Key Benefits and Use Cases of Scraper API

There are endless advantages to using scraper API for data extraction. Some benefits that can be obtained by using scraper API are as follows:

Structured Results

Scraper API comes with the ability to parse the collected data, so there is no need for users to clean it up themselves. Mostly, it delivers the data in JSON or XML format.


With a scraper API, there is no need to worry about changing proxies on each request. Users can send custom headers and set geolocation also.

Better Protection Mechanisms Handling

Scraper API can overcome site protection mechanisms set for identifying and blocking scraping tools. It handles IP blocks, CAPTCHA challenges, and other anti-scraping mechanisms.

No Maintenance

There is no need to maintain a scraper API since these services are designed to keep the infrastructure powerful. This includes ensuring good uptime and keeping the scraper API updated with changes in bot protection and page layouts.

Fast Speed

Unlike traditional web scraping solutions that visit several pages and extract data from them, each API call by scraper API returns aggregated data from different databases or sources. This makes scraper API much faster than other scraping tools.

Scraper API can be used by businesses in so many ways. Here are some common use cases of this solution:

Web Crawling

Scraper API is a well-suited tool for crawling any website, even those imposing CAPTCHAs, IP blacklisting, and other anti-bot measures.

Price Monitoring

Brands can track prices and product details, like reviews, images, and availability. Scraper API enables brands to form a completely automated pricing and investment plan by monitoring prices and product trends in the market.

Review Extraction

Scraping review platforms and extracting data in a normalized and structured format is easy with a scraper API. This tool enables brands to collect unorganized review data available all over the web in a single place and transform it into valuable customer insights.

Sales Rank Tracking and Scraper API

Scraping APIs have become a common choice for retail brands when it comes to monitoring their sales rank on a platform. For example, brands selling products on Amazon use a type of scraper API called Amazon scraper API.

This scraper collects data on the sales rank of the product(s) in a specific category and delivers it to the user for analysis. This way, Amazon scraper API helps brands fulfill their aim of keeping the sales rank as low as possible and trying to make their product become a bestseller in the category.

How Sales Rank Tracking Help Businesses

Sales rank is a number that represents a product’s popularity in a category. When brands use tools to monitor and analyze sales rank, they get an idea of product performance, which is useful in making informed decisions about their listings.

Obtaining data on sales rank also shows if competitors’ products are performing better within a category. This way, brands can put more focus on their products and find areas for improvement to stay ahead of the competition.

Bottom Line

Sales rank is an important score that shows how well a product is getting sold in its respective category. To check the ranking of products, brands are using scraping services, like scraper API, that collect product sales rank data. This way, they can track sales history and ranking over time and gain useful insights into the basic performance of their products.