
The Rise of Virtual Event Interpretation Platforms

December 27, 2022 Business

The implication of the growing prevalence of virtual event interpretation platforms is a topic that may need to be more widely known. They constitute one of the fastest-growing segments in the technology sector, poised for tremendous expansion over the coming years. 

Virtual events are unique because it’s no longer necessary to fly in an interpreter from abroad to attend an event. In recent years, this has become far more accessible, with a burgeoning number of virtual interpreting platforms operating on the market today.

What Are Virtual Event Interpretation Platforms?

Virtual Event Interpretation Platforms are a technology that allows an interpreter to interpret a live event without the need for a physical meeting. 

The interpreter is connected through video and audio to the event and can provide their interpretation on an app or website in real-time.

This technology allows for a more efficient way of interpreting since there is no need for the interpreter to be in the same place as the event. 

Virtual Event Interpretation Platforms also allow more flexibility in scheduling, as interpreters can handle multiple events simultaneously.

Convenience, Increased Reach, and Better Quality Audio

Virtual event interpretation platforms are becoming more popular among speakers, attendees, and all over the internet in terms of better virtual event experiences. With this, you can now access a Multilingual Conference Platform with convenience, increased reach, and better-quality audio—nothing to worry about whether or not you’re about to understand the event.


Virtual event interpretation platforms provide an easy way to connect with speakers and listeners. They can be used anywhere, at any time, and in any situation. 

It means you don’t have to worry about finding an interpreter or having your speech interrupted by someone else during a presentation.

Increased Reach

Virtual event interpretation platforms allow people who can’t come to your event because they are taking care of business elsewhere or unable to get away from work early enough to attend (or both) to experience the benefits of attending a virtual presentation. They also allow you to reach more people than ever before.

Better Quality Audio

Virtual event interpretation platforms use high-quality audio so that everyone can hear what is being said by both the speaker and their audience members.

The Impact of Virtual Event Interpretation Platforms

Virtual event interpretation platforms are the future of interpreting. They provide the tools and resources necessary to make your job easier and more efficient, allowing you to focus on what matters most: your client.

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s helpful to have access to a virtual interpreter who can take over for you at any moment, whether when you’re busy making sure your client has everything they need or running errands around town.

Virtual interpreters can help you get more done with less time away from the client—and that’s a big deal.

A More Accessible Future

Virtual event interpretation platforms are making it easier to have a professional interpreter at your event.

The industry is undergoing a significant shift in how interpreters are hired and paid, and virtual event interpretation platforms play an essential role in this revolution.

The benefits of using a virtual event interpretation platform include the following:

  • Allowing you to hire interpreters on a larger scale without having to worry about finding them or dealing with their travel expenses
  • Providing interpreters with more flexibility and autonomy over their jobs
  • Giving you access to more creative and talented people who may not be available through traditional hiring methods

Virtual Events Are Here to Stay

Virtual event interpretation platforms are here to stay. After all, they’re a great way to save money and ensure your event goes off without a hitch.

But there are some things you need to know before you invest in one. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Is the platform easy to use? Virtual events can be confusing, especially if you need to learn more about them. Ensure the platform is easy enough for even a non-event manager like yourself to understand.
  • How much does it cost? Virtual platforms vary from company to company that provides this service, so make sure to shop around and choose the one that fits your budget.
  • What kind of support do they offer? Some virtual platforms provide live chat support or phone calls with customer service reps who will answer questions about the platform itself or any issues you may have encountered during your use (and not just after.). It can be helpful when things go wrong during an event—and it gives you peace of mind knowing that someone is there to help if needed.

Final Thoughts

All in all, virtual event interpretation is an excellent innovation for companies and event attendees alike. 

This technology is still relatively new, but it’s already proven its value in various real-world settings. It seems poised to continue growing, meaning that its reach—and the number of practical applications—should only increase in the years to come.