
Top 5 Online Learning Platforms For Students

November 28, 2022 Business

Since the majority of students these days are turning to either hybrid or remote studies, the use of online learning platforms becomes an important point to consider. While there is no “best platform” per se in the digital realm, some learners are forced to use the systems that are implemented by their colleges and go through a steep learning curve as they upload or edit their assignments. Suppose one approaches the problem through the lens of technology. In that case, numerous similarities and aspects will make it sufficient to master at least one online learning platform these days. 

1. Canvas LMS

It’s one of those learning management systems that you can find at top universities like MIT and Harvard. This platform is one of the most popular because of its stability and the possibility of expanding with virtual modules and various teaching tools. In terms of talking to the students or leaving comments, they also have one of the best alert systems. It makes it easier to stay aware of the upcoming exams and tasks that must be done. Still, if you are running out of time, you can approach LetsGradeIt and let an expert assist you with your urgent assignments. Moreover, Canvas is a great system for storing and sharing your curriculum materials and lecture notes. 

2. Google Classroom

It might not need an introduction for most online learners these days, as most online courses implement it as well. The pros include import and export options for all the products Google offers. You may use the benefits of the Office 365 platform and add your favorite apps to make your learning experience easier. The support behind Google Classroom is one of the best, yet many students still report lagging and accidental trouble with file management via Google Drive. 

3. Blackboard Learn

The best part about this popular learning platform online is the tracking system, which helps students to see their progress and implement tools like progressive grading. The teachers also have their set of tools to bring access to the learning modules per individual progress. It can be considered one of the top solutions for students working on joint projects and complex subjects where many online tools have to be implemented (multimedia and engineering projects). It has good compatibility options, and support from the developer is available 24/7. 

4. EdModo

One of the unusual online learning platforms to consider these days because it does not work like Canvas or Google Classroom in the typical sense. The tricky part here is that it revolves around cooperation and helps students to access various resources and information from more than one source. Some people compare it to working in a social media environment since you must keep writing all the time, explore writing tips, and compare, explore, and analyze information. The good news is that you can gradually improve your writing skills and make new friends as your education goes beyond the classroom and the list of students enrolled. 

5. Talent LMS

This is a great solution for those students who are already in their last year of college studies or face the challenges of an internship advancement. It offers numerous ways to showcase yourself and unfold your talents as it works via the project-based blackboard, where you can add audio, video, or presentations. It is also suitable for professional training in the academic environment. The best part of this platform is the accessibility and the easy learning curve that fits college students (and teachers!) with no prior LMS experience. 

Reading Reviews Always Helps! 

Although most descriptions of online learning platforms for students sound virtually the same, core differences and limitations must be faced. They often go beyond the pricing or number of learners that can cooperate and access the platform simultaneously. Some of these solutions are aimed at specific tasks like progressive grading or content creation tools for teachers. When you have a particular learning environment in mind, take your time to study the reviews and explore what the current users say, as it’s the best and the safest way to find the answers and see what tricks and tips may be helpful as you fight with yet another challenge. Moreover, you can get in touch with the developers and leave your comments and suggestions. 

About the author: 

Andrew Mazur is a technology expert who focuses on the challenges of online learning and the accessibility of modern solutions. His posts aim to provide helpful ideas and explore the best methods to achieve academic success. Follow Andrew to get inspired and take your objectives to another level.