
Vanquish Your Foes Wherever They Are With the Best Proxies

July 15, 2022 Business

Not many gaming series out there catch the player’s imagination and give such a high sense of accomplishment as those from FromSoftware. Their latest game, Elden Ring, continues the trend of captivating players with their elaborate, thought-provoking, and imaginative dark fantasy world. Released in early 2022, Elden Ring has met high critical acclaim from players and critics alike, thanks to its sublime quality and deep, rewarding gameplay.

Much like their previous works, FromSoftware’s recent epic is about immersing players in a rich dark fantasy setting that is just as alluring as it is deadly. Riding on past games in the Dark Souls series; or their more parry-heavy or fast-combat-oriented hits like Bloodborne and Sekiro: Shadows Twice, respectively, Elden Ring will have players explore its environment from a third-person perspective. The biggest game-changer now, and perhaps the secret sauce to its worldwide success, is that players can now freely roam an open world. 

Getting to Know More About the Lands Between

Much of Elden Ring’s gameplay revolves around players being able to explore a vast, open world known as the Lands Between. Here, players will have to advance a plot with their created character, referred to as the Tarnished in the game, to further move the storyline forward. All this happens while exploring the wondrous locales the game offers, gawking at its impressive vistas, leveling up, improving their character’s build, and perhaps most important, conquering all of the mighty foes and terrible bosses the game has in store. 

Going back to the summons, this is an aspect that has remained integral to past works from FromSoftware. The online mode in these games is always unique. Players can band together to conquer many of the game’s big bad bosses and help each other complete difficult sections of the game. Players can also have some good old player versus player (PvP) action in the form of duels or invasions to halt the progress of other participants. Needless to say, these modes remain as highly popular and absorbing as ever. 

An Elden Ring Proxy to Conquer Them All

Nevertheless, issues may arise when trying to play the game online. Maybe the game’s servers are rejecting connections from certain countries at any given time, or constant lag and stuttering prevent you from parrying your foes perfectly. Luckily, getting the best Elden Ring proxy can help us solve these issues. 

Proxies are a surefire way to power up your gaming experience. They act as an intermediary service, allowing you to access the game from anywhere in the world. To make a long story short, it will enable us to connect to online services that usually wouldn’t be available by assigning a different IP address, hiding our real one. Needless to say, a proxy server can give us plenty of advantages by allowing us to feel safer and more anonymous over the internet.

Alongside this, there is also the benefit of being able to play the game regardless of where you are. If the game tries to region-lock you out, fight back and connect using an IP from a different country. Proxies are very useful for traveling individuals that happen to be in these blocked countries or if one wishes to buy the game from an unsupported region.

Another advantage comes in the form of smoother online gameplay. In a game so punishing as Elden Ring, where everything can easily kill you and where you will be facing plenty of other skilled gamers online, the last thing you want is lag to lead you to an untimely death. Getting a proxy closer to the location of the game’s servers will ensure a more stable connection and better experience in the game. 

Final Thoughts

There is no doubt that Elden Ring will remain just as talked about for years to come. Who can deny its fascinating and provocative dark fantasy setting, an open world ripe for exploration, thousands of weapons and spells to use, or stats to tinker with so that players can build the best character? It’s also worth mentioning that using an Elden Ring proxy will prove essential for players to improve their gaming experience and ensure they have the best performance online. Game on, folks!