
Developing Trends in the Online Learning System, You Should Know Before Creating Your Course

March 11, 2021 Business

Elearning has made life simpler for learning anything from anywhere, especially during this pandemic situation.

Although it is not a new trend, some of the elements have leveraged the online learning system to the next level from 2020.

These new features in elearning revolve around the engaging factor of the learners.

What are they? Here are five developing trends in elearning you must know before your course creation. 


Students get easily overwhelmed when they’re attacked with a lengthy 4-hour session. 

This makes them procrastinate learning. One of the high impactful techniques to beat this attitude is microlearning. 

What is it? 

Concise the humongous information as bite-sized pieces. 

Editing large volumes of data into small chunks focuses the learners on consuming it on the go. This applies to any form of content like videos, texts, and interactive activities.

Not only this technique supports the online learning system, but also an easily acceptable format for classroom learning as well.

This trend is an “absolute must-have” to grab the attention of modern learners in 2021. 

User-Generated Content

The internet pours out immense information within seconds, which is a great benefit. However, the users still have to review the entire data to figure out what they actually need. 

User-Generated Content is emerging to solve this challenge and offers on-point relevant content to the customers. 

This enables 

  1. Recommending a learning path customized for the users.
  2. Encouragement to practice informal learning.
  3. Content curation based on existing knowledge from the public domain.
  4. Supporting users to contribute to the current knowledge base. 

With the increase in artificial intelligence and machine learning, this trend in online learning systems plays an important role in content delivery. 

Augmented and Virtual Reality

Want to achieve 100 per cent attentiveness from your learners? Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) have finally cracked the code. 

Graphic overlays, 360-degree visuals and explorable interface are a few examples of this mind-blowing technology. 

It takes your content to a whole new level irrespective of the subject matter. Particularly, when you’re teaching tough concepts, this eases up. 

The major downside to this feature is their expensive costs, which we’re sure may leap with the increased usage. 

From 2021, this trend will attract more traction to online learning systems like never before. 


Fun in learning is always questioned in traditional learning. In an eLearning platform, you can turn up whatever you can’t achieve through conventional methods.

Gamification has jazzed up the learning as a fascinating experience instead of a chore. With the current generation’s low attention span, you can switch on their competitiveness using games. 

Simultaneously, you can improve their

  1. Course completion rates
  2. Recall and knowledge retention
  3. Application of the learnt concepts
  4. Engagement quotient
  5. Mastery over the subject

Whatever learning strategy you use, implement gamification into the format. For example, use microlearning with gamification, Mobile learning with gamification and more. 

This trend to any learning formats is highly expected in 2021 online courses. 

Blended Learning

How about mixing up the traditional learning style with modern technology? Doesn’t it sound cool?

Blending the Instructor-Led Training (ILT) with online resources supports

  1. Leveraging the learning experience
  2. Practical learning like hands-on training courses
  3. Connection and collaboration between fellow learners.
  4. Learning from industry experts.

Additionally, this technique fits into your course creation budget without burning a hole in your pocket. 

For all cost-effective courses, this approach will support the course creators in 2021 and maximise practical learning. 

The Final Takeaway

These are the top 5 trends in online learning systems. In addition to these, Self-directed learning, video learning, adaptive learning and social learning are other evolving trends. Let us which trend you’re following to create your online course?