
How to Be More Productive When Working From Home

August 1, 2022 Business

Since the pandemic, the number of employees working from home has significantly increased. Although many employers chose to return their employees to the office after the strict lockdowns, many also chose to continue their remote working arrangements.

Now, 18% of employees work remotely on a permanent, full-time basis, and this percentage is likely to continue increasing over the next decade or so. More employees are now searching specifically for remote jobs and the option of flexible working has become a deal-breaker for many workers.

Everybody has their preferences when it comes to working remotely. Some people love the idea of physically going to an office and working alongside their colleagues, while others prefer the idea of staying at home.

The Good and Bad Sides of Remote Working

Working from home presents a range of benefits and challenges. Whether this is a new concept to you or you’ve been working remotely for a while, it’s important to be aware of both the positives and negatives of working from home.

The main benefits of having a remote job include:

  • No commute and reduced travel costs
  • Better work-life balance
  • Improved well-being
  • Improved engagement

However, there are also some drawbacks to consider when it comes to remote working, including:

  • Increased distractions
  • Lack of motivation
  • Lack of teamwork and company culture
  • Reduced productivity

In this article, we’re going to focus specifically on how working from home can reduce your productivity and how you can improve your productivity if you’re struggling to stay motivated when working remotely.

Why is Productivity Important?

Every business owner knows the importance of productivity. When employees are working productively, workflow efficiency improves and the business can generate more leads and sales. In many cases, increase productivity directly links to increased profit margins.

Even if you’re not a business owner and you are employed by somebody else, it’s still important to consider productivity. The more productive you are while working, the more you will succeed in your role, and the easier it will be to progress in your career.

How Does Remote Working Impact Productivity?

Depending on the type of worker that you are, having a remote job could either improve or disrupt your productivity.

Working at home can cause you to feel isolated and unsupported. When you’re not in close proximity to your colleagues or managers, you might struggle to get the help that you need with your projects.

The risk of siloing can increase with remote working because your only form of contact with other team members is via online communication platforms. Your productivity and engagement can decrease as a result.

However, the opposite can also be true in some cases. You might be someone who works well on their own. Taking control of your own schedule and being independent might enable you to thrive in your role.

How to Be More Productive at Home

There is a misconception that productivity means hustling 24/7. While it’s important to put in the effort and work hard when you’re trying to succeed in your job, being productive isn’t as hard as it might sound.

There are lots of great productivity hacks that you can use to improve your work efficiency without burning yourself out. These hacks are particularly helpful when you’re working from home and you’re struggling to maintain a high level of productivity.

Here are some top tips to help you become more productive when working remotely.

Upgrade Your Office Furniture

If you’ve had a home office for a while and have never invested in new furniture, it might be time to upgrade your existing office items. Similarly, if you have recently transitioned into remote working and want to maximize your productivity, getting high-quality furniture for your home office is essential.

Your furniture can impact your productivity more than you might think. If you have a comfortable office chair that places your joints and muscles in optimal positions, you won’t feel as distracted throughout the day.

Check online to find office chair comparison websites. You can easily compare multiple kinds of chairs, including their features, styles, and prices. Find one that can be adjusted to the correct height and has great lower back support.

Your desk is also vital when you’re trying to be more productive at home. An adjustable desk that you can elevate or lower according to your height will improve your sitting posture and make it easier to concentrate on your work.

Keep the Room Well Ventilated

When your office has very little air flow, it can become hot and stuffy. You can easily become dehydrated and lose concentration is your office reaches high temperatures.

To improve air flow around the room and boost your productivity, open the door and window to allow fresh air to enter and stale air to leave. You could also get a standing fan or desk fan to circulate cold air around the room and prevent it from getting too hot.

Automate Wherever Possible

Automation is a great way to increase work efficiency and productivity when you’re working at home. There is now a wide range of automation tools that you can use to reduce your workload and get more tasks completed in a shorter amount of time.

If your job involves a lot of iterative tasks, automation will be your best friend. You can use software or online platforms to allow artificial intelligence machinery to take over these tasks so that you can focus on the more complex tasks on your to-do list.

Many business owners are now using automation to improve productivity at work while decreasing the demand on their employees. The more tasks that they outsource, the quicker products get made or customer inquiries get resolved.

The same can be applied to those of you who work from home. When you can outsource a selection of your tasks to automation software, the easier your work life will be and the higher your productivity. You can streamline your processes, maximize your success, and reduce your physical and psychological stress all at the same time.