
How to Increase Software Developers’ Productivity

September 15, 2022 Business

Maintaining productivity is extremely difficult to manage in the current environment. In a situation where team productivity is a constant problem, how can you assist your team in doing more?

There are numerous methods for accelerating development without adding more staff or working hours to the day.

However, the newest, most expensive technologies won’t increase your staff’s productivity. It only makes up a small part of the equation.

For your software developers to make the most of their days and ultimately achieve their objectives as a team, you need more than just tools.

We wrote this article to help you increase the productivity of your developers. 

Read on to learn how!

1. Utilize data-driven strategies to boost team output

You must first fully understand where your team members spend most of their time. After doing this, you will know the significant time wasters, and you can start tackling the most urgent ones.

You can ask your developers to log their workdays for a few weeks or to estimate how much time they spend on each task.

The activities developers spend the most time on can be identified in this way, and you can even assign a monetary value to them so that you can see not just the hours but also the money lost.

You can get an app to learn how time-tracking can help you boost productivity, avoid time spent on bringing zero value to the company, learn about the most time-consuming and time-saving activities your employees undertake, and many more.

2. Set personal objectives

Talk to each member of your team one-on-one. Inform them of the priorities, and explain their roles in achieving the team’s objective.

The best method to provide people with feedback and assist them in efficiently managing their time is through frequent one-on-one interactions. Your developers will have the opportunity to perform better in this manner.

Tension will show if people are pressured, overburdened, or pulled in too many directions.

But here’s something crucial:

Don’t micromanage. Micromanaging leaders make productivity even more challenging.

Allow them to determine how to get there. Ask questions and take the initiative in the dialogue rather than issuing commands directly; this will help your developer come up with potential solutions.

3. Offer free physical space

Give your developers and other creatives enough room to stretch out or have a break. Whether it’s their office, a different desk, or some other place, find that developer a seat near the window if they enjoy looking out windows. If they prefer a dim spot, there should be a few of such in the office.

Additional places to work from

Many tech jobs today are distant. Employees work from shared offices, homes, and even coffee shops. Like many companies worldwide, you may also adopt a strategy of finding a VA (Virtual Assistant) for your business for increased efficiency.

Some firms provide split days, where the employee can work from home for the remainder of the day after spending a minimum amount of time in the office. 

Developers frequently flourish away from the confines of the office. They can rearrange their workspace as they see fit to assist them in concentrating on finishing their task. They have it set up just the way they like it. Make sure your developers get the space they desire, whatever the site may be.

4. Communication is the key

Even if it’s advised to hold fewer meetings, you still need to ensure that communication within your team runs smoothly.

First, each team member must have access to a standard communication channel. By doing this, communication stays in one channel and doesn’t diverge into other channels.

However, avoid using email as your main form of contact.

Imagine a lengthy email exchange where it is difficult to obtain any information properly. You must figuratively set off on an expedition to find the information you require.

You can use apps like Slack, Hipchat, or Rocket chat. The objective here is to have a central platform for group communication that allows you to organize conversations into multiple channels.

5. Provide incentives to encourage developers

According to studies, a well-motivated software development team that adheres to time management can generate ten times as much as a team with no incentive.

Burnout and lack of motivation are often noticed among software developers. In this case, simply inspiring and encouraging them with words is not enough: you might need to take some action. To better serve as an example, you can consider taking de-escalation training for leaders.

Developers (and employees in general) work more efficiently when they are motivated. Your team members must believe they are an integral part of the project and have a significant impact on the company.

Giving your developers some incentives will keep them motivated. You must determine the ideal reward for each developer because they are all unique. Everyone performs better when there is a significant incentive.

Productivity is crucial if you lead or work with a team of programmers, software developers, or other professionals. Implementing a couple of the adjustments mentioned in the five areas above can be the most excellent method to have more productive developers. 

Although it won’t always be blissful perfection, every piece of code has, at some point, required some troubleshooting!