
Top Ways To Format An Article Meant For Advertisement

November 14, 2022 Marketing

Are you looking to format an article for advertisement purposes? When formatting an article for an advertisement, it is important to keep in mind the overall goal of the advertisement. You want to create a format that will draw in the reader and make them want to learn more about what you are offering. This blog post will discuss some of the top ways to format your article to achieve this goal. Let’s get started.

Wrap the Text

One of the best ways to format your article is to wrap the text. By wrapping the text, you are creating white space around the words, making it easier for readers to scan the article. You also want to ensure that the text is left aligned and is easy to read. When wrapping text, it is important to use paragraph breaks. This will help to break up the text and make it easier to read.

Some ways you can wrap your text include doing it from the toolbar, using the format menu, manually breaking the text with a line break, and using a formula. Ensure you do not use more than 12 words per line when wrapping the text. This will ensure that the text is easy to read and doesn’t take up much space when wrapping up.

Use Subheadings

Another great way to format your article is to use subheadings. Subheadings help to break up the text and make it easier to read. They also allow readers to scan the article and quickly find the information they are looking for. There are different types of subheadings, so you must decide which ones will work best for your article. The most common types of subheadings are H1, H2, and H3.

H1 is the largest subheading typically used for the article’s title. H2 is the second largest subheading and is typically used for subtitles or section headings. H3 is the third largest subheading and is typically used for subsection headings.

You can use multiple subheadings throughout your article to help break up the text and make it easier to read. However, you want to ensure that you do not overuse them. Too many subheadings can make the article look cluttered and can be off-putting to readers.

Use Bullet Points

If you have points that you need to share with your readers, it is important to use bullet points. Bullet points help to break up the text and make it easier for readers to scan the article. They also allow you to list information in a concise and easy-to-read format.

When using bullet points, you want to use short and concise sentences. You also want to use a parallel structure throughout the bullet points. This means using the same grammatical form for each point. For example, if you start each bullet point with a verb, you want to ensure that all the points start with a verb. Be sure to also use proper punctuation at the end of each bullet point.

Use Short paragraphs

When formatting your article for an advertisement, you want to use short paragraphs. This will help to break up the text and make it easier for readers to scan the article. You also want to ensure that the paragraphs are left aligned and are easy to read.

It is important to note that you do not want to use one-sentence paragraphs. This can be off-putting to readers and can make the article look choppy. You also want to avoid using long paragraphs. A good rule of thumb is to keep paragraphs to no more than three or four sentences.

Shorter paragraphs make reading your article easier on multiple devices, such as a phone or tablet. They also make it easier for readers to find the information they want.

Include Images

When formatting your article for an advertisement, you want to include images. Images help to break up the text and can be used to highlight important points. You also want to ensure that the images are relevant to the article and are of high quality.

When choosing images, you want to avoid using stock photos. These photos can be off-putting to readers and make the article look unprofessional. You also want to avoid using images that are too small. The ideal size for an image is 800×600 pixels, but you want to ensure that the image is at least 400 x 300 pixels.

You must note that you do not want to overcrowd your article with images. You want to use images sparingly and only when they are relevant to the article. For instance, you would not want to use an image of a cat if your article is about dogs.

Use White Space

White space is an important element to use when formatting your article for an advertisement. White space helps to break up the text and makes it easier to read. It also allows readers to scan the article and quickly find the information they are looking for.

You want to ensure that there is sufficient white space around all the elements on the page. This includes the images, text, and subheadings. You also want to avoid using large blocks of text.

A good rule of thumb is to use 1-2 inches of white space around all the elements on the page. This will help to make your article look more polished and professional.

Include Call To Action

Lastly, you want to include a call to action in your article. A call to action is a statement that tells the reader what they should do next. For instance, you might tell the reader to “click here” to learn more about a product or service.

A call to action can be short and sweet. However, you want to ensure that it is relevant to the article. For instance, if your article is about a new product, you would not want to include a call to action that tells the reader to buy a different product.

When formatting an article for an advertisement, there are several important elements to keep in mind. These include wrapping the text, bullet points, short paragraphs, images, white space, and a call to action. By following these tips, you can ensure that your article is easy to read and professional-looking.