
Questions to Ask When Selecting Your Next IT Services Company

April 29, 2021 Business

Having IT teamwork for your company is one of the best decisions you can make as a business owner. There are many merits to having an IT team. Big and small businesses alike can benefit from their expertise when it comes to handling tech-related matters.

If you don’t have the budget for having your own IT department yet, the best alternative is hiring IT services for your business. Before you hire people for the role of IT in your business, it’s a must that you weigh their worth first which questions like these and many others. After all, you’d only want the best for your money when it comes to your business.

Aside from checking their background and portfolio, you should ask these questions to the company you are interested in first as these will direct you to the best services possible.

Do You Do Penetration Tests?

The IT service you hire is also responsible for handling the digital security of your company. In this day and age, every business owner should value their digital security and an IT service like this will be worth it. There are many ways to improve your business’ security online but one of the best ways to do so is to find weak spots first. A penetration test is basically a practice where experienced professionals will actively try to get to your database or network – as hackers would do. The goal is to find all security flaws within your system.

Ideally, you’d want an IT service that doesn’t only strengthen your digital security, you’d also want one that will find your security flaws for you.  Hackers take advantage of these flaws which makes them more successful. Finding the flaws before they do greatly lower your risk of getting your data compromised.

Can You Help With Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation is essential for small and big businesses nowadays. Simply put, it is the process of converting your business into something that is capable of integrating the cloud and digital solutions into its framework. This process is very delicate which is why it’s important that you have the right people leading it for your company. Grand Canyon State companies are always looking for IT services in Arizona who can offer expertise in cloud integration and ensure seamless technology adoption. These professionals can help businesses navigate the complexities of digital transformation, optimizing operations and enhancing overall efficiency.

There are many problems that could happen as your company migrates to becoming digital. For starters, your data is very vulnerable during the migration to the cloud.  Not only do you need a company that can do the process properly, but you also need one that can ensure the safety of your data as well.

What Are Your Specialties?

IT is a broad field of software and hardware technology. It is only a must that you know what an IT service specializes in so that you know exactly what to expect from them.

At its very core, an IT service should serve as a means to support your company’s network and database.  However, they do more than that. They can protect your company from digital threats, they can introduce tech solutions that can improve productivity and many more.

The majority of IT companies are Jack-of-all-trades but what they mostly have in common is the fact that each of them can specialize in certain aspects of IT. You should look for services that specialize in what you need most for your business be it security or productivity.

Do You Know About HIPAA and Other Compliance Requirements?

Having an IT team serve your company isn’t just about improving your services and capacity. It’s mostly about complying with regulatory standards too. As such, it is very important that your IT service knows about these.

Their capacity to keep your business in line with compliance requirements isn’t just an upside, it’s a necessity to keep your business going as well.

What’s Your Availability Like?

Since this is an outsourced IT service we are talking about, it’s understandable that you might have some concerns about their availability for your business. It’s very normal to ask them about how available they are because for your business, you’d want an IT service that’s there round-the-clock.

Aside from being available most of the time, you should also be able to reach out to them via various channels. Email, phone, live chat, – the works. IT teams should be able to respond as fast as possible whenever tech-related emergencies occur inside your company.

These are just some of the most important questions you need to ask your IT service company. Getting your money’s worth means becoming as discerning as possible about the IT service you hire. Once you’ve found the right IT team for your company, you’ll see just how big an opportunity for growth it is.