
8 Remote Work Trends Of 2024

September 12, 2024 Business

Remote work has been normalized in recent years, and it is now hard to imagine everyone going into the office Monday to Friday, 9-5. Remote work can bring a range of benefits for employees and employees, but it has not all been smooth sailing since remote work first became the norm during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now that it has been a few years, there have been a number of developments and improvements in this area that can help managers and employees overcome some of the challenges involved in remote work. So, what have been some of the biggest remote work trends of 2024? Keep reading to find out. 

1. Hybrid Work Models

Perhaps the most notable trend has been the normalization of hybrid work models. Hybrid work models involve staff splitting their time between working in the office and remotely, which can provide the best of both worlds. Hybrid work models can work very well for some businesses, but there must be clear policies and guidelines in place in order for it to be effective. This is a trend that is likely to continue as it can keep both sides happy and provide the benefits of in-person and remote work. 

2. Focus On Employee Wellbeing

While remote work has many benefits for employees, it can also be isolating for many. This has been realized in the last few years, and now businesses are doing a lot more to look after and support remote workers. This can include checking in on a regular basis, team-building activities, and virtual wellness programs. This is important for protecting the well-being of staff as well as maintaining productivity levels and promoting employee loyalty. 

3. Cybersecurity Training

Remote work can also present new vulnerabilities when it comes to cybercrime, with most business activities taking place digitally. In addition to this, criminals are using advanced technologies and tactics to target businesses with remote workers. Obviously, businesses need to invest in high-quality cybersecurity products to protect their business and data, but they must also provide cybersecurity training for employees. 95% of attacks result from human error, so it is clear that this is an area that needs to be addressed. Cybersecurity training will show staff how to carry out their work remotely safely and avoid common scams. This is also important for providing peace of mind for staff and managers. 

4. Results-First Approach

Many managers and businesses struggled with remote work at first because it can be hard to track hours, leading many to micromanage. In 2024, businesses are adopting a result-first approach where they allow staff to enjoy the freedom and flexibility that remote work offers, provided that they always deliver results. This is beneficial for all parties as it provides a level of trust and autonomy that remote workers want instead of being measured by how much time they spend at their computers. Companies are also refining their remote work policies to become more flexible while still providing clear guidance on key areas like performance expectations, taking time off, and communication protocols. 

5. Global Hires

An interesting trend to arise in recent times has been companies hiring new employees regardless of their geographical location, including global hires. When you use remote workers, you are not limited to hiring someone within a certain radius of the business, allowing businesses to cast a much wider net when it comes to recruitment. This can help businesses secure the top talent and/or save money on new hires. Of course, this is also beneficial for remote workers who can work for businesses without having to be able to travel to the office. Not only this, but remote work can provide opportunities for those with disabilities who face other barriers to traditional employment. 

6. API Platforms

Remote teams rely heavily on various different software systems and tools, which increases reliance on application programming interfaces (APIs). APIs enable different software systems to interact with one another and exchange data, which allows for the integration of different tools for remote workers. API platforms provide a centralized platform for API deployment, monitoring, and management, making it much easier to manage APIs and ensure remote workers have access to all of the tools and resources they need. An API platform can also enhance security with zero-trust and role-based access controls, ensuring that only those who need access are able to access important resources digitally. 

7. Home Office Upgrades

With remote work clearly here to stay, many employees are now making significant upgrades to their home office space so that they can work comfortably from home either full-time or as part of a hybrid work model. Additionally, many employers will provide equipment and resources for staff to improve their setups at home, which could include ergonomic furniture, new technology, adjustable desks, lighting, and anything else needed to create a comfortable remote work setup at home. 

8. Shared Workspaces

Following this, there is also a growing demand for shared workspaces. While remote work has many benefits and suits some people, it is not ideal for all, and there are many who require the separation of work and home. Shared workspaces give people a space where they can go to work with other remote workers, which can provide a similar experience to going into work. Some people use these spaces because they do not have a suitable space at home, while some simply like the experience of leaving the house and going to work, even if this is only on occasion. 

These are a few of the most notable remote work trends of 2024. It has been fascinating to see how remote work has evolved and changed in recent years, with businesses and staff getting used to this way of working. There are obvious benefits for both parties, but there have also been a number of challenges that have arisen in recent years. These trends show how businesses and employees have found ways to overcome these obstacles and make the most out of this highly flexible way of working.