9 Digital Changes That Will Make Your Business Processes Easier
Technology marches on like a relentless army. Businesses adopt innovations and get ahead of their competitors. Then the other companies follow suit, creating a new normal. This can present a real challenge for businesses who are trying to outshine their rivals. Fortunately, some of these technological digital changes can be a help rather than a hindrance for your business.

Here’s nine digital changes that can streamline a business:
1. The creation of contract templates
These are a real boon for freelancers. They are standardised contracts that can be used for small or large jobs, be they ongoing or for one time only. Bonsai is one such provider, and according to their website they protect the freelancer by defining the terms.
These include the nature of the job, how long it will take and the costs involved. Contract templates save drafting time, and include all the necessary legal terminology. Having said that, they are not so inflexible that they cannot be adapted where required.
These templates protect the freelancer and assist with record keeping. They serve as a connection point between such things as proposals, invoices and payments.
2. The adaptability of websites
These days, technology has enabled businesses to provide more and more for their customers and potential customers, using their websites. Any business that fails to supply these needs risks falling behind its competitors.
The sales process becomes easier for a company when it can enable customers to instantly purchase and download things online. Businesses also have the option to provide customers with an online account. This can display the customer’s payment and order information, and advise when future deliveries or services are to occur.
Sales can also be generated when businesses provide ‘how to’ videos, and launch details related to their latest products. Customers also want an after service to exist, and technology enables businesses to provide this online. This can include troubleshooting and FAQ pages.
3. The advent of online catalogues
Gone are the days when people are prepared to wait for paper catalogues to arrive in the post. They usually contain limited amounts of information, and quickly get out of date. Online catalogues have gathered pace in recent years, and not without reason.
Online ‘drop-down’ buttons enable a mass of additional data to be accessed at the click of a mouse. This truly makes life easier for businesses.
People don’t just want product or service specifications – they want to read reviews as well. Fortunately, they can easily be incorporated. Such catalogues can be great for SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) purposes for companies, because they can be rich in the words potential customers are searching for.
4. Blogging creates opportunities
These can be inexpensive for businesses to create. When companies regularly produce quality material on different platforms, they generate loyal customers who see them as a specialist. The blog content can be SEO rich, and be used to provide links to the company’s sales page.

Not only can companies use their own websites and social media sites for blogging, but they can also guest blog on the web pages of others. Once more, this assists the SEO process for businesses.
5. The popularity of social media
Companies no longer feel it is an option to have a presence on social media. They know it is a requirement because the public expects it. Facebook or Twitter posts are in fact blogs, and they can easily contain helpful information, offers and links that benefit businesses.
An entire online catalogue can be promoted in a single social media post, or a specific product that has just been launched. Social media is successful when there is a high level of viewer engagement, and that’s what businesses seek to generate.
6. The platform of video conferencing
Technology now allows business conferences to be broadcast live online, reaching audiences worldwide. An example of such conferences are TedX talks. Observers are even allowed to interact with the speakers when given this access. After the event, the whole thing could easily be featured on a business web page, or Youtube.

The material can be source rich, and broken down into smaller video segments. These extracts can then be used on the company’s website and in social media posts.
7. Video marketing potential
These days, videos feature more and more highly because the engagement is always higher. People are 85% more likely to buy something if it’s promoted in a video format. That’s great news for companies.
Video material on Youtube carries greater SEO benefits. This is because it’s connected to Google. People can use titles and video descriptions that contain the keywords people are searching for. These video descriptions can also contain URL links to company sales’ pages.
8. The capacity to offer freebies
These days the public wants instant access to everything, and information at the click of a button. If they can’t order a product or service immediately, they may choose someone else.
People are always on the lookout for free material and information. They frequently go to such platforms as Youtube to learn about subjects. Fortunately for them, there is no shortage of people willing to explain and demonstrate things without charge. It’s not all due to their kindness, however, as there are frequent adverts at the end of the videos, and product links at the bottom. Businesses miss a trick if they do not use this opportunity.
9. The email marketing channel
Many freebies that are offered online by companies are purely designed to get people’s email addresses. In order to access a discount coupon or free PDF e-book, people first have to supply their email address.

This is a great tactic for businesses, as building an email list is a highly productive and lucrative avenue. Once an email address is received, that person can receive future marketing material on a regular basis. This may include product updates and special offers.
Video content features increasingly in these emails, because people are 20% more likely to open them if the word ‘video’ appears in the title. Links to the company’s sales pages can easily be inserted.
Businesses can reap the benefits of having contract templates available, and a website that serves the company as well as the public. An online catalogue can simplify the sales process. Blogs, videos, emails and freebies can become great customer magnets.
When we pull all these things together, it is possible to create an armoury of tools for a successful business. No single element will win the day, but when it’s all harnessed in one direction, the process becomes more efficient and streamlined.