
Coding Bootcamp Graduates: What They Can and Can’t Do

August 23, 2022 Career

In the programming world, coding bootcamps are virtually inescapable, but do they actually work? As a bootcamp graduate, you’ve likely seen how well these programs can turn a coding newbie into a professional, and there’s a lot you can do with the knowledge you’ve gained.

What Can You Do After a Coding Bootcamp?

After graduating from a programming boot camp, you’re well on your way to a great job and a welcomed change of pace. 

Here’s what you can do when you ace your coding bootcamp.

Stay Relevant in the Tech Space

The right coding bootcamp will teach you relevant tech skills. If you have a computer science degree but you’re having a hard time finding a job, bootcamps can help you get familiar with what’s new. If you don’t have a degree, your skills will still be prized in the modern workforce.

Get a Job in a Highly Valued Field

A full-stack development course can qualify you for 6-figure jobs, such as UX designer, product manager, software engineer, DevOps engineer, and backend developer. After graduation, you have a 79% chance of getting hired in tech and make an average salary of $69,079 starting.

Speak Intelligently About Coding

All programmers work with code, but do you know the difference between a frontend, backend, and a full-stack developer? After a coding course, you’ll understand who does what in your profession. This gives you the knowledge to speak intelligently about coding and tech concepts.

Become a Technology Entrepreneur

Bootcamps are hands-on and often teach you how to pitch your ideas or turn them into actual tech. For example, your final project could be turned into an app or software. Now that you have something you sell, you can learn how to become a technology entrepreneur and sell products. 

Create a Portfolio and Web Presence

Since coding bootcamps require you to hand in projects specific to your potential roles, you’ll have enough work to use in your portfolio. In a frontend or full-stack course, you’ll even be able to make a website or learn how to market yourself online, which establishes a web presence.

What Can’t You Do After a Coding Bootcamp?

While it’s true that a coding bootcamp will yield high returns, that doesn’t mean you’ll succeed in the tech field without putting in the hard work. Here’s what you can’t do after a coding bootcamp.

Expect Someone to Hand You a Job

You could have all the qualifications and skills in the world and still have difficulties finding a job. After a coding bootcamp (or a college degree, for that matter), no one will hand you a position if you don’t sell yourself. Companies are looking for qualified candidates, not just certifications.

Stop Learning Once You’ve Graduated

To learn a skill like coding, you have to code. Although a coding bootcamp will make you a skilled coder, it won’t help you keep them or grow as a developer. With that said, you can use coding assignments, books, videos, and other online courses to become a better student. 

Get Hired by Degree-Focused Employers

Some employers won’t hire a coder without a computer science degree, and there’s little you can do about that. However, most employers are dropping the degree requirement to hire more coders. If a posting requires a degree, you should still apply, as you may be considered anyway.

Pass an Interview Without an Assessment

Whether you have a degree or a coding bootcamp certificate, you won’t make it to the interview stage without passing a coding assessment. Some bootcamps will teach you how to pass these tests, but you’ll still need to get in a lot of coding practice to get a score that gets you hired.