
Content Marketing Strategy – 4 Key Components

May 22, 2020 Marketing

Around 57% of businesses have acquired clients through their blog, and 67% of B2C companies have acquired clients through Facebook, according to research conducted by HubSpot. These statistics point to the importance of focusing on content marketing strategy as a way to establish authority, reach a wider audience, and establish your brand’s reputation. There are numerous way  to get your strategy right.

In this post, four will be discussed:

  • blogs,
  • videos,
  • podcasts, and
  • social media content.
Key Components Of A Successful Content Marketing Strategy

1. Creating Great Blog Content

Think of the successful blogs you follow and you will probably find they have a few things in common. Above all, each and every one of them is probably unique; they reflect the writer’s personality, authority and expertise. Some may simply be informative, funny or entertaining. If you offer specialist services, your blog  should reflect your knowledge.

Key Components Of A Successful Content Marketing Strategy - Creating Great Blog Content

Your content should be  based on recognized, credible sources such as those archived in academic databases. Tools like Google advanced search operators will allow you to search within an authoritative domain such as ‘’ or to search for trustworthy media sources.

If you deal in a specialized field like computers or law, provide a bibliography at the end of your post. Make sure your SEO is up to scratch, using tools like Yoast to improve readability and use the right keywords.

2. Videos In The 21st Century

Video has taken on a whole new level of importance in content marketing strategy,  with research by Vebu showing that around 80% of online traffic will consist of video by next year.

Key Components Of A Successful Content Marketing Strategy - Video has taken on a whole new level of importance in content marketing strategy

Video is known to have a high ROI, and currently around 88% of marketers are dedicating a larger percentage of their budget to creating impactful videos.

To ace your strategy, ensure your content is perfectly in line with your brand. For instance, if you deal in the luxury sector, your visuals should be rich, well styled, and high resolution. Video should always be clear and audio top-rated. 

Audiovisual content is king, so keep finetuning your video strategy as we move into the next decade. If you’ve ever wondered how content marketing drives sales, look no further than high-quality videos that engage, educate, and entertain your audience. For instance, if you’re selling home improvement equipment, create DIY videos showing your products in action.

3. Podcasts Are Growing In Popularity

In the time frame between 2013 and 2018 alone,  podcast ad spend increased by a whopping 1,344%. By the year 2022, the total adspend is expected to reach $1.6 billion.

Key Components Of A Successful Content Marketing Strategy - Podcasts Are Growing In Popularity

Like your video and blog content, your podcasts should be informative, entertaining or authoritative. To receive good reviews and achieve a high velocity download rate, create a quality audio trailer that will give prestigious platforms reason to promote your show.

Ally with brand partners that can help you reach your desired audience, use SEO on your published transcripts, and create an amplification strategy  to promote your episode in the first few hours after its release.

4. Creating Great Social Media Content

Similar rules apply to social media as to blogs, websites and podcasts. All content shared should provide value in some way – either visually or through the information you provide.

Key Components Of A Successful Content Marketing Strategy - Creating Great Social Media Content

To ensure content is published regularly and at peak times, use a tool like HootSuite, which allows you to program future content on a host of platforms – including Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Regardless of whether you are posting informative or entertaining content, rely on beautiful imagery to support your words. Even the most newsy item can generate more interest if it is accompanied by arresting imagery or video.

To succeed in the competitive world of content marketing, offering your audience value – both through words and text – is a vital strategy. You should offer something that competitors do not – be it your own personal views, skills, or authoritative content you have worked on. Programming content, relying on SEO tools and measuring the impact of different strategies are important. Don’t forget to obtain feedback from your audience so you can identify potential gaps in your content supply.