Expert Tips for a Successful Direct Mail Marketing Campaign
The digital age has brought an endless amount of digital marketing opportunities to businesses around the world – but contrary to popular belief, this does not spell the end of traditional marketing tactics. In fact, some old-school strategies have withstood the test of time and proved their relevance in today’s modern business environment. In fact, with just a few tips and tricks to improve their effectiveness in the digital market, the results can be truly amazing; especially since everybody is fed up with being bombarded with digital marketing campaigns.

Amongst those traditional marketing tactics, direct mailing is considered to be one of the most important mediums in your marketing mix, and it is still very much well and alive today. If you are looking to set up a successful direct mail plan for your business, read on for some expert recommendations on how to build a triumphant direct mailing campaign:
Mass-mailing is effective because it reaches so many potential customers at once, but it is so important that you customize your mail in a way that convinces customers that you are not just sending your direct mail in large quantities to everybody. Customers will definitely know if they have received something that has been sent out to everyone else, and if you can make them feel like they are receiving something that has been custom-made for them by you, you can be a big winner in the direct mailing game.
With the tangible nature of direct mailing, there are many ways for you to emphasize the real-world, one-on-one nature of your direct mail campaign with just a couple of personal touches. The experts from FP Mailing explain that using stamps for a professional look or “handwritten” font for addresses and other information can all show customers that they are valued. In order to do so, having the right tools for the job is very important, and with a modern franking machine, all these tasks can be accomplished easily and cheaply. From printing stamps and the company’s logos to scanning and copying data, this piece of equipment can do it all.
Integrate With Other Channels
Like other marketing methods, direct mailing can work well on its own, but in order to get the most out of your marketing investment, integrating direct mail with other strategies will take its performance to the next level. For example, you can use emails to alert recipients to keep an eye on their mailbox, and then arrange for another email with coupons to come in after the direct mail drops. This can all be aligned with a call to action which will drive people to the same goal.

Try creating an advertisement on social media with the same offer to reach different audiences online who you can later add to your direct mail marketing list.
Relying solely on direct mailing might not be the best idea for modern businesses, and in order to take an integrated approach to the market, it is vital to understand your products and services and the identity of your customers.
From there, take into consideration the value of your relationships with them, and figure out a way to fit them into other marketing channels. An effective hybrid marketing strategy, with the direct mailing as the center channel, is the key to promoting your business and pursuing leads with new customers.
Stay Informed of Direct Marketing Trends
Just because direct mailing is considered a traditional marketing technique, does not mean that you should be complacent when it comes to new uses. Direct mailing is constantly evolving, and if you don’t try to stay up-to-date with the changes and developments that are regularly occurring in the industry, you won’t see the benefits in your ROI rate. Fortunately, there are many ways for you to keep an eye on what is going on out there when it comes to direct mailing – from reading direct mail trade publications to bookmarking specialized mailing websites. There are various resources that can give you the inspiration to improve your own marketing strategy.
Take a look at the whole process to see if any tasks can be automated to increase efficiency while saving costs simultaneously. Get rid of the old school techniques and implement modern innovations to take your whole direct mail marketing campaign to the next level.
Test the Market
Many companies have wasted their hard-earned marketing dollars due to a lack of market research. Testing your direct mailing campaign before going all-in with your time and money is vital to ensure that your strategy is cost-efficient. In order for you to succeed with your own marketing campaign, the most important tip is to slow down; take a step back, and try to approach the situation from your customer’s standpoint.

If you are satisfied with the final product, take it to your friends, family members, and co-workers in order to get honest and objective opinions to make the necessary adjustments. Include yourself on the mailing list to get an exact and clear firsthand observation of what the final result will look like – and after that, test it out against a smaller market to determine your return rate with the help of tracking tools.
Based on these results, you will be able to make the appropriate changes to your final product with different package sizes, colors, and presentations. Once everything is up to standard, it is finally time to launch your full-blown direct-mail campaign.
In the digital age, with all the spotlight being on digital marketing, it is easy to just automatically ditch the traditional tried and tested methods in favor of the trendy, seemingly-more-efficient ones. However, if you are someone who is looking for a multichannel lift in your marketing efforts, or are simply trying to take advantage of a more effective and less crowded field, consider adding direct mailing to your marketing mix. Many businesses have already jumped back on the direct-mail marketing train, and right now is the perfect time for you to join the movement. Implement these tips, and you are guaranteed to have a large return on your investment when it comes to executing your own direct mail marketing campaign.