How to Run an Effective Text Marketing Campaign That Will Boost Business
In this modern-day and age, there are already several marketing platforms that will allow you to promote your business. While email marketing proved to be successful in the past, several people are now redirecting promotional emails in their spam folders. This is the reason why it is a good idea to look into text marketing campaign that allows you to reach potential subscribers or contacts who agreed to receive your messages anywhere they are.

In line with this, below are some tips on how you can effectively run a text marketing campaign that will boost your business.
Dedicate a Team for Marketing
One of the primary things that you can do to ensure the success of your text marketing campaign is to dedicate a team who will oversee your marketing efforts from the planning stage up to its implementation or roll out. For sure, you will need a variety of skilled professionals such as a short messaging service (SMS) marketing expert, coordinators, and promotion specialists, as well as creative digital designers and social media experts.
If you have a well-rounded team of experts, it is most likely that your text marketing efforts will be a success since you have all areas covered.
Get to Know your Target Market
Another thing that you should exert an extra effort on is getting to know your target market. Make sure to analyze certain demographics such as the purchase history of your customers, as well as their age, location or gender to name a few, so that you will be able to send the right messages to the right people.
In this case, you can leverage customer relationship management (CRM) software to have a good idea of certain metrics that will help you improve your campaign.
Craft up Clear and Concise Messages
In-text marketing, you only have a limited number of characters to say what you want to say. This is the reason why you must get to the point of your message immediately while avoiding abbreviations, as well as emoticons or even the use of all capital letters.

This will ensure that the recipient of your message will be able to read and understand what you want to impart instantly. Statistics show that almost 90% of all text messages are read within three minutes, so you have to make this three minutes count.
Use Call-to-Action Buttons
Call-to-Action, or CTA buttons, are used to engage your customers. Some examples of CTA buttons include “Show this text” or “Click here”. The former asks the recipient to show the text for them to either earn a coupon code or a discount if this is your intention. On the other hand, the latter will allow you to say the message that you want to say outside of the character limit of the SMS by redirecting the recipient to a link that provides more information about your promotion.
Other CTA buttons include “Text-to-Win”, “Text-to-Vote”, as well as “Buy Now”. For sure, the ones who agreed to receive your text messages will also be interested in a chance to win a prize or gift from your brand. This is the reason why “Text-to-Win” proves to be an effective CTA button. In the same manner, you can engage your customers by using a “Text-to-Vote” CTA button that will allow them to have a say through mobile polling, for instance, on how your company is doing in terms of the products or service that you offer.
In terms of targeted messages, the CTA button “Buy Now” is the best one that you can use, particularly when you know that the recipient of your message routinely buys a certain product, based on the demographics that you have analyzed. This CTA button makes it easy for them to purchase your brand.
Promote Opt-In Across Social Media Platforms
Make it easy for your customers to join your text marketing efforts by giving them a chance to open up to your messages at every point of contact possible, such as through social media platforms. For instance, you can add a mobile number field in the official Facebook account of your business, with an “Opt-In” button for them to sign on to your text marketing campaign. However, this strategy is not only limited to your social media accounts because you can also do this on your official website, or even in your newsletter.
Your Timing is Significant
Statistics show that people respond to last-minute impulses, such that you need to send out your text messages moments before the event itself. For instance, if your store opening is set to happen on a Wednesday night, make sure to send a text blast on Wednesday afternoon, and not in the morning. This is also the case should you have a dinner promotion in your restaurant wherein it is more effective for you to send out promotional text messages at the end of the workday rather than in the morning.

To effectively schedule the time when your messages will be sent out, it will help to leverage available apps or software that can automate your text marketing efforts. In this case, you can send hundreds or even thousands of text messages at once, which will prove to be beneficial for your business in terms of promoting your events, discounts, or promotions. Some of these app services even come with a dedicated business phone system that ensures that you never lose touch with your clients and customers.
Text marketing campaigns will prove to be effective if you dedicate a team that will thoroughly handle it. It will also help if you get to know your target market so that you will be able to come up with clear and concise messages that will prove to be of value to your recipients. Make sure to use CTA buttons or even integrate an opt-in across various social media platforms. Just remember that your timing in sending out those messages will prove to have a great impact on your text marketing efforts.