How to Use an Explainer Video to Promote Your Business
This year, more than 70% of Internet traffic comes from watching video content. The visual advantage of the video is obvious: the user can visually view the product from different angles, and most importantly, do not waste time reading the text.

According to psychologists, the user remembers no more than 10% of the information read, while for videos this percentage is more than 60%. Since the mid-2000s, marketers have been actively taking advantage of video clips. Most large companies actively use video marketing, and the only drawback of such a promotion tool is the relatively high cost. Video explainer is of the utmost importance to every entrepreneur entering the broader market.
Key Benefits of a promotional video
1. High CTR for video content pages. When ranking a search query, the search engine gives higher positions to sites containing a video review or video. It is more interesting for the user to watch the video series than to search for the desired answer in a large amount of textual information.
2. Modern communication channels. For effective promotion on social networks, you need promotional videos, training videos or video reviews.
3. Convenient promotion tool. Video content can be easily integrated into any internet site. Any browser can play a video sequence on any device.
4. Presentation of advertising information. For companies where imagery is paramount, video is an excellent tool for visualizing the benefits of the advertised product.
The benefits of video marketing provide a widespread use of this tool by companies with a variety of specializations: from technical services to consumer goods.
The main niches of video marketing
The main video marketing trends are presented below:
Demonstration video. For general acquaintance with a product or service, you can use videos without direct advertising, in which there is no call to purchase, but the benefits of the product are versatile. Companies often go here and click for corporate video production services that ensure a quality video production process. This tool is used to popularize the brand and update the manufacturer’s company.
Instructional video. The training videos have shown great potential with the help of the YouTube platform. This is a huge niche with endless possibilities. Thanks to the visibility of the video, the user can study in detail and exactly repeat the actions of the author of the video. Even the most detailed text cannot boast of such interactivity. In addition, video captures emotion well and does a better job of showing key messages to the user.

In recent years, the segment of educational video materials has expanded significantly, and now the user can see not only how to grow garden plants, but also see how to repair plumbing or fix an electrical appliance on his own.
Image video advertising. Image videos play an important role in a complex marketing campaign. A well-designed video message is remembered by more than 80% of the target audience. Most users associate video footage with other advertising media and pay attention to a familiar product or service. In most cases, an image video becomes a “viral transmitter” and is remembered by the viewer along with the name of the manufacturer.
Selling video. A classic tool for a direct call to purchase a product. The features of the video series include the mandatory presence of formulations calling for active actions: buy, acquire, exchange, become a member, and so on. Typically, a video is made with a large number of advertising visualizations and contains information about the specific benefits of a brand or manufacturer.
User feedback. A great alternative to regular text responses. Having visual evidence of a successful purchase significantly increases brand sales. Social attachment and the principle of comparison is a very powerful tool for influencing the consumer, which will never lose its relevance.
Video review. Multicomponent video series, featuring a universal presentation of advertising information. A video review may contain direct links to purchase a product, but the main purpose of the video is to help the user understand a specific topic. This is the most effective way to attract new visitors to the site, as the review contains a high percentage of interesting and necessary information for the user.