
Improving Your Content Marketing with Big Data

March 14, 2019 Business, Marketing

Content marketing is on the rise like never before, but just when you thought you had crafted a tagline and blog campaign that appealed to everyone, big data came along. Some businesses are making the most of it, and seeing incredible results, and others are ignoring it and being left behind. So, how can you catch up, overtake, and leave the competition in the shade?

What is big data?

Big data is essentially all of the information that can be harvested about the users of a specific platform or forum. The wealth of personal information posted to Facebook and other social networks is big data, the rise of the Internet of Things is creating big data, and information reported in the media is big data.

It’s any large dataset that you can then use to sell your products and services by building more accurate profiles of your audience and target market.

Where can you find big data?

Big data is all around us, and that’s both the beauty and the difficulty of it. The sheer wealth of data that we now have at our disposal can feel overwhelming, so it’s important to remember you can’t do everything all at once.

Tap into resources you know your target audience will be using, and start from there. Searching the hashtags your business uses is a great way to get started. This will put you in touch with the people most likely to engage with you on social media. They’re likely to be one of your most loyal and engaged audiences, so use the information you have on them to build a series of customer profiles.

The tools you need to refine your content

Refining your content with the help of big data can be a complex process, so to get the most out of it you’re going to want to outsource certain aspects of it. Here’s a list of 6 of the best tools and resources that you can use to take your content to the next level:

RewardedEssays puts you in touch with professional writers who will be able to find the words that sell your products and services.

Opt-in Monster provides daily new ideas on how to create content that will speak to browsers on a personal level. That way you can incrementally improve your conversion rate.

Dummies provides you with a comprehensive overview of what you can and can’t do during a big data analysis. That way you can rest assured that your approach is sound from day one.

HotEssayService is an online writing resource you can use to craft high-converting copy so that you can connect with people on an individual level.

Neil Patel is an internationally acclaimed content marketer who regularly posts lists of tools, tactics, and strategies that you can use to take your content marketing efforts in a profitable new direction.

GrabMyEssay specializes in fast turnaround writing projects. They are suitable for use on accelerated A/B testing projects where you want to iteratively improve your content to maximize conversions.

How do businesses make the most of big data?

Businesses of all shapes and sizes are now making use of big data, so rest assured that you don’t need to be a huge conglomerate to reap the rewards.

“Big data is such an amazing resource that if you don’t tap into it, you could be missing out on literally thousands of new leads over the course of the next 12 months. I use it constantly to improve the segmentation of my marketing content because speaking to consumers on a personal level is the future” — says Neightan White, Head of Data Research and Content Marketing at SupremeDissertations.

The key thing businesses do, is use the information they have to build profiles of people they already know buy their products and services. This allows them to better target these people, and increase the chances of their content converting. In addition, big data can also shine a lot on unexpected or unknown market opportunities that you otherwise wouldn’t have known about. Be openminded, flexible, and intrigued by what the data says, and your content marketing efforts will reap some very big rewards indeed.

What does the future look like for content marketing?

Content marketing is going to get increasingly more bespoke, and personal. The ultimate aim would be for every individual to see an ad that’s tailored to their current interests, location, and activities. Most of the information needed to do this is already out there, but it needs to be harvested, analyzed, and the lessons that can be taken from them need to be implemented.

By taking the time to get to know your audience, you can transform your business’ content marketing campaign in just a few days. Once you have it up and running, continually adjust it by analyzing the new data that comes in. This will enable you to pre-empt trends, and steal a march on your competitors.

Common big data mistakes that you need to avoid

The final thing to say is that you don’t want to read too much into the data. If you completely alter the core ethos of your brand to appeal to a new larger section of the market, then you risk losing the existing customer base you’ve built up.  

Take the time to get to know your customers and use the data to discover what they want to see based on what you learn about them. And also remember that habits naturally change over time. This means that what worked yesterday, may not work quite so well a month from now. Continually revise your buyer profiles, and you’ll never get left behind.

About the Author

Bridgette Hernandez is a Master in Anthropology who is interested in writing and planning to publish her own book in the nearest future. She finished her study last year but is already a true expert when it comes to presenting a text in a creative and understandable manner. The texts she writes are always informative, based on qualitative research but nevertheless pleasant to read. She also currently works as a writer at IsAccurate.