The Untapped Potential of Using Linkedin for Marketing Purposes
Social media platforms have become hugely influential in shaping the way we communicate with each other and savvy members of the business community have known for some time that raising your profile via Linkedin is a very useful way to grow your reputation and reach out to more potential customers.
Keeping up to date with developments and opportunities that impact the world of commerce is essential, and sites like bullpreneur help you to achieve that aim. Also, it would be wise to put those insights to good use by embracing the potential of Linkedin.
In this post, we will talk about some of the benefits of using LinkedIn in your marketing. You will learn about some of the reasons why you should generate leads with LinkedIn and take advantage of the various other benefits it offers.

A quick look at the numbers
Linkedin has grown to become a huge international business community hub and it currently has in excess of 400 million professional users with well over 10,000 long-form posts being submitted each week.
That means you have access to ever-changing content which ensures that Linkedin users are using the site regularly and it retains its relevancy in terms of current events and topics of conversation.
With that many people using the site it is clear that the marketing potential for your business is huge and if you are not embracing Linkedin as an integral part of your marketing strategy you could be missing out.
Linkedin is unique in a number of ways
It is also worth remembering that a fair percentage of Linkedin users are uniquely loyal to this site and prefer to communicate via this platform more than any other.

For example, about 10% of Linkedin users don’t visit Facebook and more than half of subscribers don’t visit Instagram, either, which is significant.
Add in the fact that over 40% of Linkedin users don’t use Twitter and you can see that Linkedin represents a unique and fertile ground where you can engage with business people who are likely to listen to what you have to say on this platform.
Reaching out to the right people
For your sales and marketing message to be effective and deliver a decent ROI you need to be able to target the right people within each organization.
A key point to bear in mind about Linkedin is that a high percentage of members of this community are the ones that drive business decisions, so you are reaching out to someone who can say yes to what you are offering.

A chance to build your personal and business brand
The old business adage still holds true that people like to buy from people first rather than the business itself and Linkedin gives the ability to build your personal brand alongside your business brand.
Linkedin offers a platform where you can build an audience and develop a relationship where they get to know you and trust what you have to say. Once you have gained that level of influence some of the natural barriers are removed and your selling message becomes far more potent.
You obviously have to work at building those trusted connections but it is clear to see that Linkedin has plenty of untapped potential when it comes to achieving your marketing goals.