
What Are the Current Trends in Technology for Teaching?

November 4, 2022 Business

Innovative educational breakthroughs allow teachers to meet expanding educational demands. Solutions such as online classes help to keep classes running, and trends such as immersive learning and augmented reality are essential for leveraging innovation and elevating the educational experience.

The top educational technology developments in recent years have been machine learning, big data, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Consequently, distance learning has emerged as the dominant trend. The COVID-19 epidemic altered the way we learn and educate.

The most recent and effective edtech emphasizes student-centered learning, connectedness, and adaptability. With the proper online teaching certification, teachers can start using these technologies and improve their own and their students’ educational experiences.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

According to recent industry research, the worldwide AI market in education is set to hit a valuation of about $3.68 billion by 2023. Among the most promising applications of AI in education technology is the automation of grading tasks.

Without the assistance of a teacher, AI can grade multiple-choice questions and fill in the blanks. This frees up resources like time for teachers, allowing them to focus on more valuable teaching work.

AI can also be leveraged to help with the necessity for personalized attention in a packed classroom. AI can address this need by allowing struggling students to understand lessons better through tailored teaching.

AI algorithms may also personalize learners’ learning paths and allow them to study at their own speed. Children may progress through their studies at their own pace, reducing the dissatisfaction associated with traditional teaching approaches.

Video Learning

Another advantageous development is video-assisted learning. This technology is similar to e-learning because it depends on films and other visual modalities. Instead of a live class, students can watch the lecture recordings at a manageable pace.

Unlike “movie day,” when teachers show instructive films to students to help them learn more about a subject, these videos are available at any given time to any student, so they can learn when they feel like it. It is a far more nuanced medium that has proven useful in remote learning.

YouTube educational channels present some of the best examples of how creativity can be infused into the learning experience to make it easier for students to learn in a fun way.


Traditionally, animation has been identified with the cartoon business. Nonetheless, animation’s promise extends beyond just amusement. The usage of animation in eLearning is growing, and it is undeniably useful.

Animation may increase student engagement and information retention by using strong narratives and relevant content that simulates real-world settings.

With animation, educators can foster flexible learning and better retention of the material being taught. It is also cost-effective, given the reusability of animated learning videos.


Gamification is using game-like principles in everyday lessons to boost child engagement. This new trend is gaining traction in primary education. Students can acquire important facts while having fun playing a game.

Gamification increases student engagement and helps them avoid boredom while studying. In addition, gamification promotes cognitive growth, fosters a happy environment, and facilitates teamwork. Gaming is quite prevalent. More than two out of every three Americans play video games, and that’s not even accounting for offline games like board games, card games, or children’s games like tag. 

Moreover, with fun-filled platforms like ABCmouse, children can even build their math foundation online. This way the complex concepts of mathematics become more approachable and enjoyable for them.

Teachers have utilized the Civilization video game series to teach history and Walden to teach the book of the same name. With games, learning can be something students look forward to.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

Since the introduction of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) to education, the classroom learning experience has changed dramatically. The increased need for experiential learning propels the advancement of learning using VR and AR.

Education has become far more participatory than in the past. While VR creates a fabricated experience, AR enhances a real-world image. As a result, they can help pupils understand difficult ideas that basic graphics or even hands-on experiences in a lab cannot.

For instance, VR may be beneficial when undergoing a medical training course. In detail, VR allows trainees to practice real-world medical procedures, including surgery, in a low-risk setting.

Big Data Insights

Several educational institutions followed the online learning trend during the pandemic lockdowns, resulting in larger datasets than ever. Because many schools ran remotely, educational establishments had a rare chance to gather student data, such as replies and levels of participation.

This data has the potential to dramatically increase student learning, but it is reasonable to assume that crucial information may be lost in this flood of data. This is where big data shines.

Identifying relevant insights within the acquired data necessitates the use of certain approaches. This data can show the outcomes of tactics used, allowing instructors to change their syllabus to fit student needs and assess students’ progress.

Teachers can compare instructional strategies and procedures to student performance, allowing them to determine which approaches are the most successful.

Learning Analytics

Research, progress monitoring, and data analysis have all enhanced the learning process. Learning analytics is built on these foundations but provides new ways to apply the data gathered.

Learning analytics employs computational analytical tools from data science and artificial intelligence to improve the quality of learning and teaching. Learning analytics solutions assist instructors in measuring student performance and forecasting academic success. It also identifies kids who are likely to struggle or drop out.

When instructors obtain this data, they gain insight into what activities kids love the most. It allows them to boost student participation and detect any barriers students may be encountering. These insights enable instructors to create a teaching method that allows pupils to achieve their greatest potential.

Final Thoughts

Finally, we recognize that there is a lot to take in when discussing educational technology developments, which necessitates fully leveraging online teaching certification programs. The technologies we have mentioned are by no means the only trends in learning. Some of the prevalent forms we did not get to delve into include:

  • STEAM (An improvement on STEM that incorporates Art)
  • Cloud Technology (For collaboration and remote access to learning material)
  • Asynchronous Learning (Where students work out their own schedules)
  • Blockchain technology (For record-keeping, transparency, plagiarism detection, fraud, and more)

Technology has infiltrated education and completely transformed the process of learning and teaching. Embracing this new reality offers students an opportunity to take their learning to the next level and gives them more opportunities to realize untapped potential that traditional systems can’t reach.