Why and How to Increase Your Website’s Visibility on Google
This article will detail why and how one should increase their website’s visibility on Google. The first part of the essay will try to answer the why by stressing the significance of Google, alongside the internet in general, as a marketing platform. The second part will highlight the response to the how by covering paid and non-paid techniques of increasing your marketing collateral’s visibility on the search engine platform.
The Why
The Importance of the Internet
People use and, in turn, see advertisements on the internet much more often in comparison to any other media. Datareportal’s Digital 2022: Global Overview Report stated that there were as many as 4.95 billion users of the internet in the world a year ago. This means that two out of three people use the internet globally. The same report mentioned a figure that was even more striking – the number of hours an internet user spends on the global network adds up to be 7 on average. That is almost half of your day if you exclude the hours that you are asleep! Another figure that is bound to surprise you regarding the internet is the fact that there are more than seven thousand internet provision services such as Kinetic Internet, in the United States alone. In comparison, television is only watched for a much lesser time (3 hours) by each individual each day, which heavily outweighs the fact that TV viewership (5.36 billion) is a bit larger in terms of the number of people than internet usage. Considering the internet is used so much more than any other platform, one can easily conclude that it is the best medium to advertise anything on.
The Significance of Google
Google is more significant than any other website to advertise yourself on for the same reason that the internet is better than any other media. It is simply frequented more than any other site by a huge margin (approximately 90 billion times a month). In fact, the website coming in second place – YouTube – has merely 35 billion monthly visits and is also owned by Google! The fact that the internet is, by far, the best platform to advertise anything and that, on the internet, the go-to website is Google makes marketing yourself on the search engine platform the ultimate advertising technique.
The How
Now that you have understood the importance of increasing your visibility on Google, let’s see how you can achieve that target. We will divide the how into two parts – unpaid and paid marketing on Google.
Paid Marketing
There are a number of paid marketing techniques to advertise yourself on the world’s penultimate advertising platform.
Google Search Ads
Through Google Search Ads, what you basically do is that you pay Google to feature you at the top of its results pages when they search a keyword that relates to one or more of the service offerings of your business. You can also target it for people of a certain area, age, and/or gender. For example, if you have a fast food restaurant in Fries, Virginia, you can pay Google to rank your website at the top of its results pages whenever people in Fries, Virginia search “French fries” or any other term related to your industry for that matter.
Display Ads
Like Search ads, Display ads are also targeted for your ideal customer profile. However, there is a major difference between the two. Instead of popping up as links on Google results pages, Display ads are shown as clickable images on different websites that Google users often frequent. For example, if you are a financial business trying to target chief financial officers, you can pay Google to showcase your ad whenever someone visits a finance–related website such as the Economist.
Other Paid Advertising Techniques
Other paid advertising techniques on Google include but are not limited to YouTube video ads and Google local ads. However, as they are not nearly applicable as frequently as the ones mentioned above, we are not going to delve deeper into them for the purposes of keeping this article to a readable length.
Unpaid Marketing
Unpaid, or fancifully called “organic”, Google marketing is pretty much the same as Google Search advertising but with one major difference – instead of paying Google, you will be paying search engine optimization analysts and content creators to produce content that will organically rank higher on Google’s results pages. Considering this, it will come off as no surprise to you that unpaid marketing on Google is also called search engine optimization.
In the preceding paragraphs, we tried our best to not only convince you that it is worth spending resources on making yourself more visible on Google platforms but also explained to you how to go about the process. We hope you heed our advice and your business prospers as a result.