
Why Does Your Company Need Cloud Managed Services?

August 29, 2024 Business

If you mention the cloud to people these days, there’s a good chance that, with context, they’ll know you aren’t talking about meteorological rainclouds. That wasn’t always the case. The concept is still relatively new, and there was a time when the idea of moving everything onto the cloud felt foreign and risky. It’s such an abstract concept to have all your data and system in this intangible location rather than everything on physical servers in a known location. As such, it’s understandable that some small-scale companies would shy around from switching to the cloud if they had another option.

However, the ever-improving quality of cloud managed services, as well as their accessibility and affordability, makes them more attractive than ever.

Here are some of the reasons why cloud services are so beneficial for businesses and why you should consider working with a managed service provider.

Why Are Cloud Services So Beneficial?

A key reason so many people turn to the cloud more than ever before is accessibility. Previously, it made sense to have that physical server and all the solutions in one place. That was accessible for tech support whenever there was a problem. However, workplaces have evolved past the need for everyone to be in the same office. Even if you’re a company that prefers having everyone on site, you know that hot desks and some level of fluidity go a long way. Those who work from home or need access to information remotely deserve a reliable cloud solution that works from their mobile device. This is also essential for department collaboration, with teams working together cohesively over shared systems without meeting up in a conference room.

Moving everything up into the cloud also makes a lot of sense when it comes to data security. This may come as a surprise because of the intangible nature of the cloud. However, with the right package and measures in place, you can end up with a more secure service. Improved security features like antivirus software and firewalls can play a big part in that. Effective data backups and restoration tools help, too. These services are also, generally, better equipped to deal with security breaches and disaster recovery.

These cloud solutions are a more adaptable way to handle your computing needs, too. A physical server and a low-key in-house set-up will be fine for a while because it will have the features and storage to meet current demands. But what happens when your company experiences growth, either in terms of the department structure, the scale of the projects, or the consumer base? Upgrading traditional solutions can be costly and time-consuming. Cloud solutions are more flexible and primed for scalability, letting you get exactly what you need as you need it.

Then, there’s the cost factor. In the long run, you can find that these cloud services are a much more cost-effective way to handle your computing needs. There will be some short-term start-up costs to budget for, and there will be fees to handle to keep everything running smoothly. Still, this has to be better than dealing with the ongoing costs of hardware, new software, and in-house IT teams on the payroll.

How Managed Service Providers Can Help

Beyond this need to switch to cloud operations, it is also worth considering working with managed services. These solutions let you put your trust in a skilled IT team that will oversee the operations of your system, get you set up on servers, handle updates, and more. They can act as a reliable team to fall back on whenever cloud computing needs become too overwhelming, or there are any issues. The best managed service providers have years of experience handling these servers, programs, and data requests, so they will have no problem dealing with your increasing demands.

Some companies aren’t so keen on the idea of signing up with a managed provider because of the regular payments and fees. The pay-as-you-go options for IT support work when you have a simple, reliable system and only a couple of malfunctions per year. However, as the system expands and demand increases, you might end up paying even more in lost custom and revenue. So, the monthly rates of a more substantial managed service can prove to be a more cost-effective way of handling your systems. You should be able to pick an affordable package that meets your needs, with the option for upgrades and scalability in the future.

On top of all this, the best managed service providers are there for you whenever you need them. Some companies will continue to rely on the break-fix model because it is a cost-effective, pay-as-you-go solution. These services can be fast and reliable in an emergency. However, they tend to only be there to fix problems rather than other comprehensive support. The major issue here is that you’re dealing with a cycle of things breaking down and getting repaired rather than a more proactive approach of ongoing maintenance and improvement. These break-fix services also aren’t always a 24/7 solution. That’s not the case with high-end MSPs. Here, they have someone ready to handle your queries and deal with any minor issues with the system. They can help with bugs, service improvements, data collection, and general upgrades to the service.

Find A Reliable Managed Service Provider Today

If this has convinced you that it’s time to make the switch to cloud services and to work with managed services, get in touch with a local managed service provider today. Look out for companies that can provide all of the great benefits mentioned above, especially those high-value packages with the potential for future scalability. It’s fine if you don’t fully understand where all that data goes and how these MSPs manage your networks as long as you know they are reliable. If they have a great track record in keeping everything safe and providing easy access to your services, connections, and products, you should be fine. It may sound foreign and overwhelming at first, but it will pay off.