
Why You Need to Upskill Your Remote Team (and How to Do It)

October 2, 2020 Business

COVID 19 has taught us that working remotely is something that many of us can do quite easily without the absolute need for being in an office. Jobs that were previously deemed “impossible” to do at home have had their assumptions smashed out the park, and a massive majority of them have been completed efficiently, all without fuss. There have even been talks of large companies not opening the doors of their offices again due to money that will be saved. If there’s no need for them, why have them? 

Why You Need to Upskill Your Remote Team (and How to Do It)

There are some problems that arise, however. Training can be something that’s best given in a personal, one on one situation. Everyone has a different learning style, and some might find it difficult to learn without direct input from a team leader or manager. Either way, training and upskilling your remote workers still remains something that sits high on the importance list. Here we discuss why it’s so important and some of the best ways to do so. 

Why Upskilling Employees Is Important? 

Why wouldn’t you want your employees to get better at their job? Isn’t that the main question that needs to be asked here? A better workforce will provide a better product, and that’s what business is all about. While this is hugely important, it’s worth looking at employee turnover. It’s expensive. On average, the cost of replacing one of your employees can range anywhere from a half to double their annual salary – and that’s for every one of them! It’s best to keep staff on for as long as you can. 

Upskilling is a smaller investment than rehiring. If you re-skill as well, then you’re going to create a well-rounded, cross-trained team that will be incredibly effective. Not only does it help with the company’s financials, but it’s also going to help with the mindset of your employees themselves. 

No one really wants to work for a company that’s known for poor treatment of their staff, nor are they going to want to work somewhere that doesn’t invest in them. Upskilling proves both of these wrong and actually ensures the skills of your workforce don’t become obsolete. It shows you care about them and want to invest in their future. This, in turn, is going to boost morale. Those that receive high-quality training and development opportunities are shown to be happier in the workplace. If you offer to reskill as well as upskilling, then you’re giving your employees a career path they can follow with pride. 

Finally, happy employees create happy customers. You will see a direct increase in customer satisfaction. It’s plain to see. When employees are comfortable within their work, they tend to work much harder than those who feel resentment or dislike their work. When the entire experience is positive, it will reach further than you might imagine. People will want to work for you. Word spreads quickly when a company is doing everything right. 

For these reasons alone, it’s worth upskilling your employees.

How Can I Upskill My Team? 

There are plenty of ways in which you can offer upskilling to your remote team. Training doesn’t have to be done in the “training room” as such. It can be done anywhere and in many different forms. 

Offer Online Courses 

One of the best ways you can offer your employees a boost in their current skill set or a new string to the bow is by providing them the opportunity to take part in an online course. There are literally hundreds of thousands of these online with many different platforms providing them.

Offer Online Courses

You can read more here about a few of the best platforms available for learning new skills. Whether it’s a new language or learning how to code, there is a course for every business out there. Training within your company this way is cost-effective and gives you a multi-talented team ready to take on any challenge you throw their way. 

Offer Resources 

Something not many people think about is resources for their staff. Do they have the right information available to them at home? Do they know where to look? We might have the internet, but it’s a rather large place. 

Compile a list of resources specific to your industry that’s going to help them with their work at home. Maybe give them some time throughout the day to read and ensure they understand everything. These resources can come in many different forms; books, podcasts, websites, television shows, YouTube channels, the list is endless. 

Offer Different Learning Styles 

We aren’t all the same. Think back to school where one kid sat in the corner quietly doing their work because they understood everything the first time while another sat at the front constantly asking questions because it just doesn’t make sense. Are your staff visual learners? Are they kinesthetic learners? Or are they auditory learners? Offer all three with your training scheme and watch your workforce excel. 

Offer Virtual Events & Webinars 

If there’s something that was gaining traction even before the coronavirus pandemic hit, it was online conferencing and webinars. Speak with all your staff at once about a company project, let them know about an inspiring story that leads you to where you are today, get them to understand the purpose of the company – all while on a video call. Webinar software is available online and will help your staff immensely. 

Reward Your Employees For Upskilling 

It’s worth saying that while the career progression is a brilliant incentive for your staff to actually complete all these courses (in some cases, extra work), there should be a little more. It doesn’t have to be a substantial monetary bonus, but it’s definitely worth rewarding them for keeping motivation at an all-time high. You can get employee benefit apps that offer 2-4-1 cinema tickets or discounts at a local gym. Show them you care, and they will do the same back. 

Every company needs to evolve and develop with the current trends of the industry. You’ll get left behind if you don’t. Upskilling is one of the best ways in which to do so. It shows your employees you care, all while giving you a better, more skilled, more motivated workforce. If there was ever something to do within your business, it’s this.