September 10, 2013
RailsDiff is a very useful site when upgrading Rails versions (for example, from Rails 3.2 to Rails 4). It will...
September 10, 2013
RailsDiff is a very useful site when upgrading Rails versions (for example, from Rails 3.2 to Rails 4). It will...
RSpec and FactoryGirl setup for testing Carrierwave uploaders
September 7, 2013
Assume that you have the usual setup with model (MyFile) using simple Carrierwave uploader (MyFileUploader): To be able to test...
March 9, 2013
Here are some random Rails tips I’ve found useful: rails console sandbox – if you open console like this it...
Paperclip, Heroku and Amazon S3 credentials
January 24, 2011
Setting up Paperclip to use Amazon’s S3 is as simple as setting :storage => :s3 and providing right credentials to...
March 29, 2010
I’ve been planning to catchup with all the new Rails 3 stuff. To get me started I’ve compiled a small...
Expected x.rb to define X (LoadError)
April 15, 2009
I have been working on extending Rails’ I18n Simple backend to make it work with Serbian grammar (post on that...
Simple password protected administration with CodeIgniter
March 8, 2009
Last week I’ve taken a break from Ruby/Rails development and I’ve worked on a site that uses PHP with CodeIgniter...
Restoring superblock on Ubuntu
November 9, 2008
Recently I had a problem on my Torrent box (an old PC that I use as dedicated torrent client) that...
RESTful admin namespaced controller using scaffolding
September 17, 2008
Most of my clients prefer to have a separate admin section. In turn, I like to have separate controllers for...
September 17, 2008
Mosso’s hosting cloud at $100 / month seems like a good solution to get a scalable server. However one thing...
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