June 1, 2015
For our new project it was necessary to modify our database starting id. This can be handled through migration for...
June 1, 2015
For our new project it was necessary to modify our database starting id. This can be handled through migration for...
Customize Devise permitted parameters
May 4, 2015
If you are using Devise gem for authentication and you have been adding custom fields to your model you’ll get...
How to skip Devise trackable updates
May 12, 2014
Devise has a very useful Trackable module used to track user’s sign in count, timestamps and IP address. There are...
Upgrade Ubuntu 8.04 LTS server
January 6, 2014
Note to self: here is how to upgrade Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (or any other release that is no longer supported)...
Quick VirtualBox/Vagrant setup with Heroku-like box
September 16, 2013
Here is a quick way to setup VirtualBox using Vagrant with Heroku-like box on Mac. Install VirtualBox from https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads Install Vagrant...
September 10, 2013
RailsDiff is a very useful site when upgrading Rails versions (for example, from Rails 3.2 to Rails 4). It will...
RSpec and FactoryGirl setup for testing Carrierwave uploaders
September 7, 2013
Assume that you have the usual setup with model (MyFile) using simple Carrierwave uploader (MyFileUploader): To be able to test...
March 9, 2013
Here are some random Rails tips I’ve found useful: rails console sandbox – if you open console like this it...
Paperclip, Heroku and Amazon S3 credentials
January 24, 2011
Setting up Paperclip to use Amazon’s S3 is as simple as setting :storage => :s3 and providing right credentials to...
March 29, 2010
I’ve been planning to catchup with all the new Rails 3 stuff. To get me started I’ve compiled a small...
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