
Five top tips to help you meet your project deadlines

February 15, 2022 Business

In the day and age of social media, on top of demonstrating professional integrity, it has never been more important to ensure that you deliver your promised goods and services on time. However, we all know it can be tricky to balance everything, so here are five top tips to help you meet your project deadlines. 

1. Be realistic

When it comes to delivering on your promises, it is vital that you don’t overstretch yourself and say you will deliver at a ridiculous speed, much sooner than your construction business can actually work. Committing to an extra ten new-build properties in addition to your existing builds could be damaging, for example. Furthermore, it is imperative to ensure that you have worked out all the work you have one and potentially add a bit of a buffer, too, just in case something goes awry. 

2. Don’t take on too much

When you are first starting out in business, there is a tendency to say yes to every new potential client for fear of not making ends meet or there being no more takers for your products or services once you have completed the existing projects. Of course, in reality, taking on too much work will potentially lead to disaster and disappointment when you are unable to juggle everything at the same time. 

3. Keep track

When it comes to meeting deadlines, it is imperative that you keep track of all the projects you have on. As mentioned previously in number 1, you need to ensure you know what existing work you have. You also need to know how far you have progressed with each project as it is likely there will be more than one thing being done concurrently. To help you keep track of everything happening under your company’s name, construction software for owners can result in improved outcomes for all and happier staff, too, knowing exactly where they are and what their focus should be on. 

4. Prioritize

Learning to prioritize is a vital skill that all project managers need, and this will support you in your aim of meeting deadlines, leaving customers happy. Being able to decide what needs doing as urgently, what can wait a little while and what does not need to be started just yet can change the way a company works dramatically. Of course, you may also need to delegate this responsibility to managers, and in which case, the ability to prioritize needs to be cascaded down to them, too. 

5. Employ the right people

Finally, one of the most significant differences that can be made when it comes to getting projects completed on time is employing the right people for the right jobs. Know exactly what you are looking for and draw up a list of desirable and essential qualities that your candidates should have. This is a part of the recruitment process that no one should skip. References from previous employers will also give you a flavor of whether they are right for your organization or not. Be sure to not offer a job before seeing these.